The idiocy/ignorance of the modern gamer


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
This thread is a prime example...

Now, NeoGAF is always useful for getting news and other interesting snippets, but as I've said for a long time, the forum is full of complete knobheads - it makes RedCafe look like a professors convention.

Basically, a load of Brazilians want the best audio dub possible for Uncharted 3 in their own particular dialect of Portuguese and are upset that Sony have chosen what they see to be the wrong studio to do this. It then goes on where a load of fools that can understand English start pointing out that it's not needed, and subtitles should do for the idiots that can't understand English, or that people should be forced to play the version in English so that it helps them learn English, etc. etc. etc.

Not only do these idiots not realise that even the English version is a dubbing, because these are not live actors, but how many of them actually play Japanese games such as Metal Gear or Final Fantasy in Japanese? The vast majority of them don't, you can be sure of that, and would be whining to high heaven if those games were never localised into English - why? Well they wouldn't be able to understand what the feck was going on - AT ALL. Yet they think that Sony is wasting money in providing localizations for other languages. It's the bizarre approaching bigotry. The subtitles argument doesn't hold up either, as it's not a film, how in the heat of a mass firefight for example can youtake your eyes off the action to read a bloody comment one of the characters is making?

Wankers the lot of them. So, the question is, is this down to the general age of the video game player now, spotty teenagers en-mass, or is there something else underlying why so many of these idiots hold such views? Why would these people want that other people can't have the basic option of having the audio in their own mother tongue? What is the agenda here? I admit that if there is an English film on Spanish TV I automatically press the audio button on the remote to go to V.O. (Version Original - Original Version - English), even though I can understand the Spanish dub perfectly, a film is so much more enjoyable when it's in English for me. That maybe lazy on my part, I don't know, but I'm not advocating that every Hollywood or British or any other English language film shown of Spanish TV should be in English audio with Spanish subtitles.

Why would someone actively call out others for wanting to have the media that they pay for in their own mother tongue?
They should get the choice, I don't want to play a game where all the dialogue is Russian so I'd like them to make it with English as well. The only issue that could arise is if the language in question is some really obscure one that might not be feasible but that doesn't look to be the case here.

One the flip side, how varied is the dialect they want from Portugese? Scouse is a dialect, but they don't make games in Scouse they just make it in English and if Scousers went into uproar they'd get laughed at. Is it that hard for them to understand normal Portugese? I'm not familiar with any Portugese so I wouldn't know. If so then yeah they should have a case.
Weaste, can we post on said forum with a link to this thread and watch the carnage that follows please?
I think they're just trolls probably weaste, I wouldn't put too much stock in what they say.
The way I'm reading it, the issue was that it was dubbed in the correct dialect of Portuguese - it is just that the dubbing was of poor quality. They picked a Miami studio to do the dubbing.

1 - The "actors" are READING, they're clearly NOT acting.

2 - The actors Really don't match their character voices.

3 - This is a really, REALLY low quality Dub, i'm just speechless

The way Brazil's economy is going, it's going to be a huge market in the future. I think they need to listen here.
I recently played through Yakuza, and that hasn't got localised dubbing outside of Japanese. Playing that with just english subtitles didn't bother me at all.

I don't know why they are so upset with it being dubbed into their language, unless it's just really poor voiceacting. Isn't some of the audio recorded whilst they're doing the mocap in Uncharted?
This thread is a prime example...

Now, NeoGAF is always useful for getting news and other interesting snippets, but as I've said for a long time, the forum is full of complete knobheads - it makes RedCafe look like a professors convention.

Basically, a load of Brazilians want the best audio dub possible for Uncharted 3 in their own particular dialect of Portuguese and are upset that Sony have chosen what they see to be the wrong studio to do this. It then goes on where a load of fools that can understand English start pointing out that it's not needed, and subtitles should do for the idiots that can't understand English, or that people should be forced to play the version in English so that it helps them learn English, etc. etc. etc.

Not only do these idiots not realise that even the English version is a dubbing, because these are not live actors, but how many of them actually play Japanese games such as Metal Gear or Final Fantasy in Japanese? The vast majority of them don't, you can be sure of that, and would be whining to high heaven if those games were never localised into English - why? Well they wouldn't be able to understand what the feck was going on - AT ALL. Yet they think that Sony is wasting money in providing localizations for other languages. It's the bizarre approaching bigotry. The subtitles argument doesn't hold up either, as it's not a film, how in the heat of a mass firefight for example can youtake your eyes off the action to read a bloody comment one of the characters is making?

Wankers the lot of them. So, the question is, is this down to the general age of the video game player now, spotty teenagers en-mass, or is there something else underlying why so many of these idiots hold such views? Why would these people want that other people can't have the basic option of having the audio in their own mother tongue? What is the agenda here? I admit that if there is an English film on Spanish TV I automatically press the audio button on the remote to go to V.O. (Version Original - Original Version - English), even though I can understand the Spanish dub perfectly, a film is so much more enjoyable when it's in English for me. That maybe lazy on my part, I don't know, but I'm not advocating that every Hollywood or British or any other English language film shown of Spanish TV should be in English audio with Spanish subtitles.

Why would someone actively call out others for wanting to have the media that they pay for in their own mother tongue?

probably partly because of a lot of gamers are young and selfish and partly because of the experience of online gaming. It can be highly competitive and aggressive, people have a 'me against the world' attitude and don't like to lose.
Bad voice acting, dubbing etc is something gamers traditionally expect; why else do memes like the Zero Wing one exist? Maybe the younger generation of gamers expect quality in all aspects of a game, whereas for us older gamers, everything that's good is a bonus.
:lol: That title Weaste. I love the self importance and contempt for 'modern gamers' old skool Atari nerds, like Weaste, have.
I played Shenmue 2 when it first released on Dreamcast with subtitles and Japanese voice acting, you know what? It was a better game for it.
I recently played through Yakuza, and that hasn't got localised dubbing outside of Japanese. Playing that with just english subtitles didn't bother me at all.

I don't know why they are so upset with it being dubbed into their language, unless it's just really poor voiceacting. Isn't some of the audio recorded whilst they're doing the mocap in Uncharted?

I love the Yakuza games & it definitely helps that they are in Japanese. The enjoyment factor in Yakuza is the immersion into Japanese culture they create and to dub them looses a great deal of that suspension of disbelief.

I recently picked up a new copy of Yakuza 1 for my PS2, and it has been dubbed. It's not nearly as enjoyable as the PS3 versions, because of the awful English dub. A) It shatters the illusion of being a Japanese character living in Japan B) The voice actors are way more rubbish than their Japanese counterparts & C) It's so sweary! When they are potty-mouthing in Japanese I'm fine to play with my little one watching, but the English dub can only be played after she is asleep :(.

On the note of Metal Gear, I have read it somewhere the Kojima believes the English dub is the true version. As Snake is an American character along with most of the supporting cast, he reckons that it works better in English. I've not heard the Japanese audio, but surely the actor can't be as cool as David Hayter?
I thought this was going to be talking about console gamers. I would have agreed with that. Console gamers aren't srs gamers. Everyone knows that.
I like that people in the game itself speak the language that fits the story. I don't want bunch of Albanian terrorists speaking English. That's what good about games like Cod and SOCOM and what not. If there's subtitles to go with it I'm good. Audio or subs, so long as I understand. And I'm not from an English speaking country. The country I'm from and the one I live in will not be catered too and that's fine.

I don't understand people whining over Brazilians wanting it to be in Portugues. It makes sense to dub it. A big market is in Portuguese.
That being said I think that everything should have the option to be in Japanese out of respect. Those guys created it all.