The Horrors


gets teste with iPads
Oct 17, 2007
Bitter Racism
This thread is belated considering how long it is since their last release Primary Colours (2009). But I really think this band are achieving something, their sound is a kind of meoldic noise rock (if thats not a complete oxymoron). I think they have managed to create a really engaging well rounded sound.

Here's a track (benefits from being listened to on good speaker or headphones):

Didn't think I'd enjoy Primary Colours because I thought their first album was like a piss-poor Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster tribute.

But I was pleasantly surprised by it. It's no masterpiece, but it's a solid album.
I saw a music video of theirs and I was put off by the singer's stupid face. I will listen to them eventually.
I heard a track of theirs in a record store once and actually asked someone behind the counter what it was, because it sounded like some sort of drunken mishap involving a Nick Cave/Shane MacGowan hybrid, Joy Division and the VU. "I Only Think of You" it was.