The Hills Have Eyes


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Any of you cnuts seen it? Its a bit of a fecked up film that. I don't know if it was just the fact that i was watching it on my pc with my headphones on so it was pretty much right in my face, but its probably the first film that gave me a few heebie jeebies. Looking back on it now I'm not entirely sure why mind. Probably the rape scene, thats one thing I really don't like in films.

Anyone seen the second one? Thinking about giving it a watch tonight as my mate reckons its worse than the first one.

Cool special effect... That's all about this movie.

They showed ill people from radiation like somekind of zombies. They were eating human flesh. :lol:

Rubbish movie.
Rubbish. Typical popcorn Hollywood flick. Waste of time. Why watch this when there are so many brilliant movies to watch?

Aye but I don't mind a 'typical popcorn hollywood flick' . I'm not a major film buff to be honest. I rarely find time to watch a movie and when I do its more often than not just for the entertainment value of it. Generally if I want to educate myself I will pick up a book, if I want to relax and not have to think very hard I will watch a film. Granted it was poorly written and there were a thousand holes even I could pick in it, but I don't mind ignoring these faults and just just letting it all wash over me.
Aye but I don't mind a 'typical popcorn hollywood flick' . I'm not a major film buff to be honest. I rarely find time to watch a movie and when I do its more often than not just for the entertainment value of it. Generally if I want to educate myself I will pick up a book, if I want to relax and not have to think very hard I will watch a film. Granted it was poorly written and there were a thousand holes even I could pick in it, but I don't mind ignoring these faults and just just letting it all wash over me.

I wasn't really have a go at you, Smashed. More pointing out the fact why I won't even consider watching this film. That said, I don't mind good entertaining popcorn films, it's just most that have been churned out by Hollywood over the last decade have been awful.
It was your average horror/gore flick to be honest. I was surprised they actually went forward with the rape though.

The second one, I haven't been arsed to watch yet, it doesn't look worth the effort.
I wasn't really have a go at you, Smashed. More pointing out the fact why I won't even consider watching this film. That said, I don't mind good entertaining popcorn films, it's just most that have been churned out by Hollywood over the last decade have been awful.

Fair point that. I'm pretty much the same when it comes to most movies. And a run of the mill hollywood horror filled with cliche's and recycled plots isn't my usual choice of film either. There was just summit about the film that did have me thinking it was a bit messed up on a few occassions.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone mind.
It was your average horror/gore flick to be honest. I was surprised they actually went forward with the rape though.

The second one, I haven't been arsed to watch yet, it doesn't look worth the effort.

Aye the rape scene was a bit much I thought. But then as I said there is one thing I don't like being shown in movies, and that is it.
Aye the rape scene was a bit much I thought. But then as I said there is one thing I don't like being shown in movies, and that is it.

I've seen a couple of films this week with abortion scenes. In fact I don't think I've ever seen an aborted fetus in a film before(unless it's been a jar/storage)
I've seen a couple of films this week with abortion scenes. In fact I don't think I've ever seen an aborted fetus in a film before(unless it's been a jar/storage)

That I wouldn't be so bad with. I mean at the end of the day its the lass' choice. Generally I'm ok with anything in films, I know its just a studio and they are acting. But watching a woman being raped on tv is not something I'm very comfortable with. Maybe its a bit odd that I can happily watch people being chopped to pieces or whatever but can't watch a woman being sexually assulted. I guess a lot of todays society has kind of become sterilised to dramatised images murder and death due to it being all over tv and hollywood.
That I wouldn't be so bad with. I mean at the end of the day its the lass' choice. Generally I'm ok with anything in films, I know its just a studio and they are acting. But watching a woman being raped on tv is not something I'm very comfortable with. Maybe its a bit odd that I can happily watch people being chopped to pieces or whatever but can't watch a woman being sexually assulted. I guess a lot of todays society has kind of become sterilised to dramatised images murder and death due to it being all over tv and hollywood.

I think desensitised is probably spot on. Hitchcock's films for example, don't have the same impact due to the fact we've been desensitised.

Irrevisible had a shocking rape scene.
I think desensitised is probably spot on. Hitchcock's films for example, don't have the same impact due to the fact we've been desensitised.

Irrevisible had a shocking rape scene.

desensitised, thats a better word for it. I guess there is a natural human mentality behind it as well. Death is something most of us have had experience with and all of us have to deal with so we learn not to let it shock us as much.

Mind you saying all this, there weren't any really decent death scenes in The Hills Have Eyes.
The rape scene in Evil Dead was ok to watch, but that was totally stupid because she was being raped by a tree.

Rape scene in Visitor Q was okay to watch too. Perhaps because it was satirical. Great film, that one. One of the best I've seen this year.
I think desensitised is probably spot on. Hitchcock's films for example, don't have the same impact due to the fact we've been desensitised.

Irrevisible had a shocking rape scene.

Irreversible was clearly it's inspiration for that scene. Unless it's in the original THHE, in which case I'm wrong.
I love The Hills Have Eyes, I was really freaked out when I first watched it. The rape scene got me a bit though, always find them a tad uncomfortable to watch :wenger:

I though it was great though. I was very shocked that the core of the family was killed (the mother, father, older sister), I wasn't expecting that and I think that made the film good because too many horror flicks are predictable now but that surprised me very much. I've seen a bit of the second one but haven't had time to sit and watch it all, must do that :)
You didn't find it odd that a man afraid to wear a hat for fear of 'hat hair' suddenly turns into an all action, mutant slaying superhero with reflexes of a cat and a pain threshold that would have caused Vlad the Impaler to re-think his tortour techniques? Of course after turning into an all conquering superhero he then decided to basically hand over his shotgun to one of the mutants he has just battered. Which wasn't so smart really.
Rubbish. Typical popcorn Hollywood flick. Waste of time. Why watch this when there are so many brilliant movies to watch?

Because it was 3am, I was drunk, the chicks were passing out, we ran out of beer, and it was the only movie of some entertainment value on HBO at the time.

That said, disturbing movie with terrible acting and a bad script. I kept saying, "Why are you wasting your bullets firing at nothing or when running? Let them come to you and kill the motherfeckers."

I've heard the second film is more graphic but have yet to see it.
In regards to rape scenes... did 'I Spit On Your Grave' have a very graphic rape scene? I have yet to see this film, but I've heard it is brutal.

Two sex scenes in horror flicks that always will stick in my mind...
1) Food of the Gods (part II, I think)... some physician/scientist has taken some growth hormone and is banging some chick. He soon starts to grow uncontrollably and literally tears the female apart.
2) Grim Prairie Tales... this woman is wondering through the prairie alone and is taken in by some guy. He befriends her and assumes she is pregnant due to the large bulge in her stomach. Eventually lust takes over. He ends up screwing her but then is eaten by her vagina. Very graphic. The scene later shows here discarding his remains. Turns out, the reason she appeared pregnant was she had eaten some other unfortunate male.
I think desensitised is probably spot on. Hitchcock's films for example, don't have the same impact due to the fact we've been desensitised.

Irrevisible had a shocking rape scene.

You beat me to it Spoons, when ever anyone mentions rape scenes in films my first thought now is always Irrevisible, that was one disturbing film, good mind but one that leaves an indelable mark on you once you have watched it. I knew nothing about it when I hired it a couple of years back so it came as quite a shock.

Tough film.

Edit: That was my 3000 post, yay me :smirk:
Death Wish 2, the uncut version, has the most brutal Rape scene i have ever seen in a movie.
There weren't enough montages in The Hills Have Eyes for my liking
Rape scene in Visitor Q was okay to watch too. Perhaps because it was satirical. Great film, that one. One of the best I've seen this year.

At last, another fan of Visitor Q!:D

Can't think of another film which has repulsed me but made me laugh so hard at the same time. Miike is a genius of bad taste!:devil:
At last, another fan of Visitor Q!:D

Can't think of another film which has repulsed me but made me laugh so hard at the same time. Miike is a genius of bad taste!:devil:

Yes, hilarious. . .repulsive just about covers it. I think it's a masterpiece. I love Miike's work, been impressed with everything I've seen by him except Happiness of the Katakuris. Which was just plain wrong.

And why aren't you posting in the movie thread? well?
Yes, hilarious. . .repulsive just about covers it. I think it's a masterpiece. I love Miike's work, been impressed with everything I've seen by him except Happiness of the Katakuris. Which was just plain wrong.

And why aren't you posting in the movie thread? well?


Will start posting now!:D

I'm a film and media lecturer, so tend to either waffle on about the details of film, which can either enlighten or bore people to tears!!!;)

I did find Ichi the Killer virtually unwatchable after an hour...not because it was a bad film, but couldn't handle the constant violence.

Will start posting now!:D

I'm a film and media lecturer, so tend to either waffle on about the details of film, which can either enlighten or bore people to tears!!!;)

I did find Ichi the Killer virtually unwatchable after an hour...not because it was a bad film, but couldn't handle the constant violence.

Excellent. Looks like we've made a brilliant signing.

I loved Ichi. . .again, another masterpiece by Miike. The violence was so detached from reality, that it didn't really bug me. . .although the part in which he cut his tongue off did make me cringe.

Tell you what. . .can you make a list of your ten(more if you want) fav films in that thread?
I watched the second one last night, worryingly the first one was better.

On another note I also watched Resi Evil 2 and would like to take this moment to announce my love for Jill Valentine. We should dedicate a thread to her or summit.
Why has no one taken this oppurtunity to post pictures of Jill Valentine from Resi Evil 2?