Magic Meat
Watched this tonight, just out. Very surprised as the trailer wasn't great. I suggest you watch it, with your eyes.
The Guard (2011) - IMDb
The Guard (2011) - IMDb
Isn't the lead guy Mad Eye Moody from Harry Potter? I think he's acted in Green Zone as well.
And not all the other rubbish he has been in.
What? Gleeson is a top actor. He was brilliant in In Bruges.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing it, I hear very good things.
Isn't the lead guy Mad Eye Moody from Harry Potter? I think he's acted in Green Zone as well.
Yes I was not being serious. I was pointing out that the poster only knew him from the HArry Potter movies and not from anything else.
It saddened me
I thought it was brilliant for what it was. A crime caper set in rural Ireland. The dialogue was perfect I thought and was well delivered by the partnership of Cheadle and Gleeson. It was uncomfortable and evoked feelings which I think is why we go to the cinema in the first place,to be moved. It is a blacker than black comedy !
Agree with this. It was remarkably well written and produced for only $6m.