wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
RIP the six second rule. Long live the eight second rule.
The plan is to actually start enforcing it, with the compromise that keepers that hold on too long will concede a corner, instead of the current indirect freekick.
As someone who gets unnecessarily annoyed at keepers holding on to the ball I am very excited!
The plan is to actually start enforcing it, with the compromise that keepers that hold on too long will concede a corner, instead of the current indirect freekick.
As someone who gets unnecessarily annoyed at keepers holding on to the ball I am very excited! this summer onwards, goalkeepers will be allowed eight seconds from catching the ball to releasing it, in the latest attempt to cut down on time-wasting.
Positive results in trials across England, Italy and Malta have prompted the games rule-makers, the International Football Association Board (Ifab), to change the law for the start of the 2025-26 season.
This rule will be implemented worldwide by 1 July, at all levels of the game from elite to amateur.
Referees will punish goalkeepers holding on to the ball for more than eight seconds by awarding a corner to the opposition.
Goalkeepers will be warned by the referee when they have five seconds remaining to get rid of the ball. The referee will raise their arm and start a visual countdown with their hand.