The Eagles

Yes, great classic rock band.
My dad used to listen to them a lot so when I got older I appreciated their music.
Take it Easy is a favourite but you can't fault Hotel California...
Yes, great classic rock band.
My dad used to listen to them a lot so when I got older I appreciated their music.
Take it Easy is a favourite but you can't fault Hotel California...

I'm the same Dad is a huge fan and put me onto them.

Of course, having long road trips with "Hell Freezes Over" the only CD in the car kinda forced me into it :p

We've got the DVD of their last Melbourne Show. Excellent gig.
Big fan as well.

Remember singing Hotel California to my parents at a very young age! Great memories, great songs.
Henley himself has some pretty good songs too, I really enjoy their sound. Truly a great band to just zonk out to.
Top band as well CCR. Great tunes.

I wana know.....have you ever seen the rain?
Brilliant music, just so simple and fun to listen to.

Isn't their greatest hits the biggest selling album of all time or something? Or 2nd biggest after Thriller maybe.