The Dangers of Blue Peter


A prince among poopers
Jul 29, 2005
Sack Geebs, Sell Sults
Seeing as I was home early yesterday, I decided to sit down and watch a bit of teatime telly with the boys. Blue peter was on, so I started to reminisce about the good old days of john noakes and shep and how the show used to be. A role model to the youth of the time.

Next thing I couldn't believe it. The presenter (who was a really fit blonde northern irish bird I might add !) took her shoes off and walked barefoot over burning wood (whos temperature went right of the scale when tested). How irresponsible of the beeb to show such a silly prank so close to bonfire night. Not the role model of a show I remember.

No doubt several impressionable kids will try this stunt, and many other bullies will no doubt blag younger kids to give it a go. Mary Whitehouse would have had the beeb by the Travellers for this. They'll no doubt be selling 3rd degree burns do-it-yourself repair kits at this crimbo's blue peter bring-and-buy sales. The swines !
You think she's hot

You haven't seen her sister