The Coronas


Not actually very big
Apr 6, 2009
this year is my year on SM
Quality Dublin band, wouldn't you agree CZ?

This band are the definition of what is wrong with music these days.

Overrated pile of shite who only got to where they are because Mary Black is the lead singer's Mammy or something like that. Die.
This band are the definition of what is wrong with music these days.

Overrated pile of shite who only got to where they are because Mary Black is the lead singer's Mammy or something like that. Die.

How many people honestly give a shit who his Mam is though?
Save yourself DS. Please.
Don't spread your hate CZ they're the ultimate South Side band.

That's the only thing I can tolerate listening to without wanting to throw my speakers out the window.
I can't really explain it CZ, the music I like isn't The Coronas genre yet I like them, it probably does have something to do with hearing them for ages in the 'Nure though.
the people who gave them the money to record a dull album.

and CZ when did you move on from dull middle class rock?

I listen to every genre of music m'dear.

In the past few years I've seen everyone from Mary Chapin Carpenter to The Game.
I can't really explain it CZ, the music I like isn't The Coronas genre yet I like them, it probably does have something to do with hearing them for ages in the 'Nure though.

I thought you were 'street'. You're a terenure college boy!? I'm teling Popper we've found another live one.
I thought you were 'street'. You're a terenure college boy!? I'm teling Popper we've found another live one.


I'll show you just how 'street' I am :cool:
Boring crap you'd expect to see on any open mic/unsigned night.

Funny that CZ hates them because they remind me a bit of Snow Patrol.
Snow Patrol made their own fame.

These lads had it handed to them on a plate.
Ugh get out of here Bieber.
Danny...whatever his surname is. A cnut of the highest order. Stormed out of a gig in DIT because none of us we're paying the slightest bit of attention to them. He's a bit like that Conor Deasy fella. A dick. I don't think I'd hate them so much if it wasn't for him.
The Thrills. Yep, they're shite as well.

Maybe I'm not hearing the right stuff, but I can't think of one decent Irish band in the past 10 years. I blame Whelan's and that whole scene for fecking everything up. There's nothing dangerous or raw coming's all mid-tempo indie-by-numbers shite.
Breaking Tunes - IX

These were friends of mine, that Hotpress dubbed an Irish pre-2000 Green Day. They broke up soon after.
love them, everyone else here hates them i think which is why i never talk about them

im leaving this thread now, good day to you all
Shit, Sparky likes them too.
I like these guys. They have panache.

First two minutes of this or so are brilliant. I was front row for it, had never seen them before. We just thought it was an unnecesssarily long intro to a song, turns out it was the whole song. It was met with confusion and laughter, but people were buzzing about it after the gig.

My mate had recently died of cancer and always sang and played their songs on guitar. Heroes or Ghosts will be especially hard to keep the tears in. It was bad enough a couple years back when we saw them in the Empire (and around the same time Mick had started chemo). He is the reason all of us even gained interest in the band, by introducing us to them.

I've emailed Jim Lawler (the band's manager) and he has assured me that Danny (lead singer) will give a shout out to the big man prior to their performance of Heroes or Ghosts.