This band are the definition of what is wrong with music these days.
Overrated pile of shite who only got to where they are because Mary Black is the lead singer's Mammy or something like that. Die.
How many people honestly give a shit who his Mam is though?
the people who gave them the money to record a dull album.
and CZ when did you move on from dull middle class rock?
I can't really explain it CZ, the music I like isn't The Coronas genre yet I like them, it probably does have something to do with hearing them for ages in the 'Nure though.
I thought you were 'street'. You're a terenure college boy!? I'm teling Popper we've found another live one.
Coronas > Snow Patrol
Snow Patrol made their own fame.
These lads had it handed to them on a plate.
Snow Patrol made their own fame.
These lads had it handed to them on a plate.