The Civil War


Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
May 5, 2003
Where Albert Stubbins scored a diving header
I first watched this Ken Burns documentary series in the early nineties, and was blown away.

Downloaded it again recently. It's absolutely superb. Mostly drawing on photographic archives and diaries, over ten episodes it gives a fantastic sense of the era and the importance of the war that created modern America (and to a large extent modern warfare).

My only quibble is that it could do with more from the black/slave POV. But this is a more moving and informative ten hours than you could get most other ways.
Seen most episodes several times over the years, absolutely superb.

Even the music. The Ashokan Farewell runs through my head for days afterwards each time.
I watched the first three episodes a year ago and I enjoyed them, need to make make the effort and finish watching the rest someday.

^ Agreed with the music, very haunting at times.
I may have to get this. My only insight into the civil war has been through reading team of rivals which I thoroughly enjoyed. Would love to learn more.
I have to admit I had tears in my eyes when I heard Sullivan Ballou's letter to his wife he wrote just before he died in combat. It's the most beautiful love letter ever written.