Poncey film buff
Right, i've decided that only in solidarity can the many members opposed to the divisive and toxic 'Entertainment Forum' unite and defeat this imperial evil. Or something like that.
All those opposed to the catastrophic castration of the General forum by this hideous creation, as well as the destruction of the much loved Cricket Pavillion forum, sign here. We dont need it, we dont want it. We will defeat it. And if we dont, we will say we supported it all along!
Please rise up, if you can be arsed obviously.
All those opposed to the catastrophic castration of the General forum by this hideous creation, as well as the destruction of the much loved Cricket Pavillion forum, sign here. We dont need it, we dont want it. We will defeat it. And if we dont, we will say we supported it all along!
Please rise up, if you can be arsed obviously.