The Centralised 'Anti-Entertainment Forum' campaign/petition/solidarity group thread

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Poncey film buff
Jul 19, 2002
MUFC Champions 2006/2007: Where will the goals com
Right, i've decided that only in solidarity can the many members opposed to the divisive and toxic 'Entertainment Forum' unite and defeat this imperial evil. Or something like that.

All those opposed to the catastrophic castration of the General forum by this hideous creation, as well as the destruction of the much loved Cricket Pavillion forum, sign here. We dont need it, we dont want it. We will defeat it. And if we dont, we will say we supported it all along!

Please rise up, if you can be arsed obviously.
All protests should be directed at Spoony.

It's his baby.
I don't see the point in it to be honest. You could end up with a shedload of sub-forums covering all the main areas discussed in the general.

That said, I don't want to support any movement initiated by Van due to his lack of sex with girls. As such I'm just not going to bother using the new forum....

Which in itself is an almost terminal blow
There's not much point in it. Most of the threads there are already dead.
I don't see the point in it to be honest. You could end up with a shedload of sub-forums covering all the main areas discussed in the general.

That said, I don't want to support any movement initiated by Van due to his lack of sex with girls. As such I'm just not going to bother using the new forum....

Which in itself is an almost terminal blow

you see Van? "Terminal blow". That's a job for Davo

and we all know that no one can do a better job than him
I was for the idea at first, but seeing it up and running now I have changed my mind, I think it sucks balls.

I want the old General back.
I was never for the entertainment forum.
It was better the way it was.
I haven't looked it it yet. Not once

I bet all the threads are just Spoony talking to himself
Right, i've decided that only in solidarity can the many members opposed to the divisive and toxic 'Entertainment Forum' unite and defeat this imperial evil. Or something like that.

All those opposed to the catastrophic castration of the General forum by this hideous creation, as well as the destruction of the much loved Cricket Pavillion forum, sign here. We dont need it, we dont want it. We will defeat it. And if we dont, we will say we supported it all along!

Please rise up, if you can be arsed obviously.

shouldnt this be in the entertainment forum?
I like it and hopefully there will be changes that make it better before the beginning of the season.

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