The best tv theme tunes


The One and Only
Nov 28, 2006
What are your favourites? No matter how shit or cheesy, post the theme tunes you don't fast forward through.

At the moment I'm liking the theme from How To Make It In America

The Sopranos


Street Hawk.
Dukes of Hazzard.
The Fall Guy.
The Prisoner (original).
Knight Rider.
fecking hell, I can't embed the youtube video.

But the theme song from Dexter.
Friends - No need to even post the song, everyone knows it.

Fresh Prince of Bel Air was also good

Tom and Jerry kids
Band of Brothers

The Pacific (the opening was better than some of the actually episodes)

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Hockey Night in Canada a couple years ago

Diff'rent Strokes


Match of the Day
The Rockford Files
Hogans Heroes
Mission Impossible
Beverly Hillbillies
I never really liked the theme from The Sopranos. In the beginning I thought it was bad and it took a few seasons to make me appreciate it a little.

One of my favorite themes:

Blake's 7
The Prisoner
The Sweeney
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Porterhouse Blue
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes