The Best TV Program/Film Scene You've Ever Watched


Stupid Conspiracy Enthusiast Wanker
Aug 1, 2006
As it says on the tin:

Two nominees for me, and I'll start with my favourite:

This is my favourite scene in the whole of Lost, and I think it's probably safe to say that, for anyone else who watched it in its entirety, this was the clincher for watching the rest of it. It's the most emotive scene in anything that I've watched, and it's not just the quality of the acting by Locke (Terry o' Quinn) that does it for me, but also the music by Giacchino. I still find this scene incredibly emotional, despite having watched this video dozens of times.

Next, a more obvious contender, and a very close runner up:

Don't really need to say too much, here. I can only assume that the score here by Ennio Morricone was made in absolute synchronisation with Leone's directing. It is absolutely perfect - I mean, all they do is stand there and look at each other for about 4 minutes, yet it's completely awesome in every sense of the word because of the synchronicity of the composition and scene.

End of the West Wing series 2, the last scene in 2 Cathedrals....just amazing. Still sends a shiver down the spine.

As for films, apart from the obvious candidates that others will mention, I love the scene in Amadeus, where Mozart takes Salieri's painstakingly composed march and effortlessly turns it into a masterpiece, shattering Salieri's faith in God. Amazing.
Tension? The "shut up cnut" bit had me in stitches.

I don't know, it's so hard to pick.

From TV, in The Wire (spoiler alert)

From film, I really can't pick, there's so many.

The Blade Runner scene.
Saving Private Ryan Omaha Beach Scene
Little Red girl in Schindlers List
The revelation in Gladiator.

So many more though.
The cinema scene in Donnie Darko always gives me goosebumps.

Way too many to mention from film, but that was the first one that sprung to mind.
R Nick will be along later to tell us of his love for the finale of the second season of the West Wing.

In the meantime, this is a different West Wing scene that I like.

There's way too many West Wing scenes that I can think off..mainly involving monologues/speeches from Bartlet

The end of "The Crackpot and These Women"...


There's the speech he gives in the "20 hours in America" episode made the hair at the back of my neck stand...just amazing..

"The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight..."

Leo helping out Josh and his speach about the guy falling into a hole...

And a bit of a more light hearted moment..

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc which summed up all the main characters of The West Wing in one scene.. :D

Day Man-It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia from Herb Oobs

That was such a fitting way to end BoB...Lipton and Winters' final words really make the film even more memorable

Scene from a truly great documentary named 'Fog of War'. There is also a scene where McNamara talks about the mathematical calculations that went into the decision to incendiary bomb Japan. Its either right before or after this scene...

Also favourites (but couldn't find the scene on youtube) were the Opening and Restaurant scene (both with Landa) in Inglourious Basterds, the scene in the Pianist with the German Colonel...
Josh Lyman and the press briefing, in four scenes.

I liked this one

Yeah, that was a great scene too. Now that I think about it, there are a number of memorable scenes in that movie

Scene on the train ('You eet the Canadian'. We're not mentioned that much in movies, so we have to celebrate when we are)

I remember an interview on the DVD with the director saying this was his first feature film. Its a bit of a masterpiece, but I have not heard about any movies he has done since
I heard an Austrian woman describe the city of Bruges the other day using the line 'it's like a fairytale', without any sort of irony or anything. Someone then told her about the film.
Band of Brothers: When Lt. Spears runs right in front of the Germans, twice!

Band of Brothers: When Lt. Spears runs right in front of the Germans, twice!

That's a great one. Band of Brothers is just fantastic. RIP to Major Winters who died a few days ago.

Some of my favourites:

The basement scene in Zodiac

The ending of Fight Club

The "insect politics" scene from The Fly

And, of course, Alec Baldwin tearing these guys a new one.

And from the same movie when Al Pacino pisses all over Kevin Spacey

Removed the vids, but quoting so people can just click back to the posts.

This scene is amazing on so many levels. The sheer amount of tension it manages to build is incredible.

That scene is absolutely brilliant, and it absolutely captures the fantastic build-up and release of the entire season. There are some great moments from season one as well, but I can't be bothered to look them up right now.

I don't know, it's so hard to pick.

When it comes to TV, that's the one for me. Not just that scene alone, but the whole duality in how
Stringer and Avon take each other down
is the probably my favourite TV moment. As much as I loved the fourth and fifth season, I was always partial to the gangster side of the show, and the "original" part of it ended right then and there. In a perfect way, nevertheless!

It's hard to pick out just one or two, but I'll go with a movie, since TV shows are in the majority already, and it's probably a less popular choice as well. The scene is from The Royal Tenenbaums by Wes Anderson, one of my all time favourite movies:

Richie Tenenbaum (Luke Wilson) tries to take his own life. It's not happy or pleasant, but it's visually beautiful like everything Anderson does, and very captivating. What edges it for me though is Elliott Smith's music, Needle in the Hay is just perfect.

It's hard to put in words exactly what it is about the scene that I love so much, but I guess it has to be seen in context of the entire film, because I don't really see it quite as depressing as that scene alone appears.
And, of course, Alec Baldwin tearing these guys a new one.

Brilliant scene from a brilliant movie. This is my favorite action scene by quite some distance and I love me some action movies.

The buildup is tense the film is all set and then BLAM the fecking gunshots kick in about 5 times louder than the dialogue has been the whole movie, love it.

It's an ending scene so its spoilers obviously, but the cinematography and music is superb.
Removed the vids, but quoting so people can just click back to the posts.

That scene is absolutely brilliant, and it absolutely captures the fantastic build-up and release of the entire season. There are some great moments from season one as well, but I can't be bothered to look them up right now.

When it comes to TV, that's the one for me. Not just that scene alone, but the whole duality in how
Stringer and Avon take each other down
is the probably my favourite TV moment. As much as I loved the fourth and fifth season, I was always partial to the gangster side of the show, and the "original" part of it ended right then and there. In a perfect way, nevertheless!

It's hard to pick out just one or two, but I'll go with a movie, since TV shows are in the majority already, and it's probably a less popular choice as well. The scene is from The Royal Tenenbaums by Wes Anderson, one of my all time favourite movies:

Richie Tenenbaum (Luke Wilson) tries to take his own life. It's not happy or pleasant, but it's visually beautiful like everything Anderson does, and very captivating. What edges it for me though is Elliott Smith's music, Needle in the Hay is just perfect.

It's hard to put in words exactly what it is about the scene that I love so much, but I guess it has to be seen in context of the entire film, because I don't really see it quite as depressing as that scene alone appears.

Great shout.
Mulholland Drive, audition scene. Is it gone from YouTube? Anyway I'll never watch it against lest it soil my memory of how totally superawesome it was.

The reflective smile by Di-Niro after all that shite he's been through is a class ending, as if it was all worth it...