seems like this is going to be one brutal film
poor Willem Dafoe
Wiki said:The film has come under attack for its explicit sexuality, including the opening scene showing a toddler falling to its death while He and She have sex on the bed nearby. Included is a graphic close-up shot of a penis entering a vagina. The film has also invited controversy for its graphic sexual violence. In one controversial scene, She hits His testicles with a wooden plank so hard that it is implied they are crushed. While He is unconscious, she masturbates him until he ejaculates blood. She then drills a hole through his shin to bolt him onto a grindstone. In a later scene, She cuts off her own clitoris with a pair of rusty scissors.The ecumenical jury at the Cannes festival gave it a special "anti-award"and declared the film to be "the most misogynist movie from the self-proclaimed biggest director in the world".Cannes festival director Thierry Frémaux responded that this was a "ridiculous decision that borders on a call for censorship" and that it was "scandalous coming from an 'ecumenical' jury". IFC deemed some of the material in Antichrist too inappropriate for American audiences and therefore decided to cut it to avoid an NC-17 rating. However, in Britain, Antichrist going to remain uncut and get an 18 certificate.
poor Willem Dafoe