The Antichrist (film)


Apr 29, 2003
seems like this is going to be one brutal film

Wiki said:
The film has come under attack for its explicit sexuality, including the opening scene showing a toddler falling to its death while He and She have sex on the bed nearby. Included is a graphic close-up shot of a penis entering a vagina. The film has also invited controversy for its graphic sexual violence. In one controversial scene, She hits His testicles with a wooden plank so hard that it is implied they are crushed. While He is unconscious, she masturbates him until he ejaculates blood. She then drills a hole through his shin to bolt him onto a grindstone. In a later scene, She cuts off her own clitoris with a pair of rusty scissors.The ecumenical jury at the Cannes festival gave it a special "anti-award"and declared the film to be "the most misogynist movie from the self-proclaimed biggest director in the world".Cannes festival director Thierry Frémaux responded that this was a "ridiculous decision that borders on a call for censorship" and that it was "scandalous coming from an 'ecumenical' jury". IFC deemed some of the material in Antichrist too inappropriate for American audiences and therefore decided to cut it to avoid an NC-17 rating. However, in Britain, Antichrist going to remain uncut and get an 18 certificate.

poor Willem Dafoe
If you want to see a truly horrific movie, try 'Martyrs.'

Don't say I didn't warn you, though...
feck me, that's a bit much isn't it?
Come to think of it, sounds like a typical night at Espada's.
There was a trailer for it when I went to see Looking for Eric...looked ridiculous...Pretentious wank if you ask me
Dogville is enjoyable pretentious wank

so is Breaking the Waves, which incidentally is also a great film
American History X was pretentious bollocks. There was no need for it to be black and white for starters. It was trying too hard to be a deep and meaningful film, but was too polished and shallow in reality. Dogville wasn't pretentious, though. Gimmicky(if that's the right word) perhaps, but pretentious? never.
I saw Antichrist last night. its on Sky and Sky anytime at the moment.

I didnt know what to expect and i never saw this thread before it. All i can say is that im broad minded and Saw/The Hostel films never make me feel screamish. Antichrist however was a different story. I had to look away at times. Willem Dafoe is awesome in it. how the film didnt get banned is beyond me. If you want to be shocked, then watch it as you will get shocked by some scenes. worth watching if you like films like The exorcist.
There was a trailer for it when I went to see Looking for Eric...looked ridiculous...Pretentious wank if you ask me

Bang on. One of very very few films I just stopped watching because it was such a pile of shite.
I watched this the other day. I'm usually fine with gore. But oh my god that film so really really wrong.
Watched it and it is weird. The concept is interesting but it's almost unwatchable in places. I've certainly never seen anything like it before. Dark to almost black hole proportions.
I watched it the other day too. Interesting twist on a story told many times before, and a little shocking in places. The beginning was a little sad though, having a child around that age myself! I made sure I checked all the windows right after :)

However, I found it underwhelming. There could have been a lot more behind it all and even the really weird bits don't lift it from the realms of mediocrity.
Its actually a really good film for the first 1 hour or 45 mins as they deal with the dynamic of the couple, its only when the woman begins to go crazy that everything kind of goes a little down hill.

Its certainly not the worst film i've ever watched, and not a waste of time at all.
FFS, why would any man want to watch testicles getting crushed? Even the thought makes my balls retract

Where's that thread about those penis mutilation/castration videos on the net, anyone?

Worst nights viewing of my life :(
Im abit baffled by the film after watching it. Im under the impression that Willem Dafoe is Jesus in this modern film. He is trying to help his wife. The grindstone attached to him is like the crucifix and he must carry that weight whilst under horrific pain. He is then buried just like Jesus and is brought back to life. Now going on all of this theory, would you say his wife is Mary Magdalene that is possessed by the devil or something like that? Maybe this idea is completely tosh and she was just a nutter who is possessed. Also the end was wierd. The 100's of faceless women walking up the hill. I dont get that. Maybe some religious nut can explain that part for me. Any idea's?
Hated it, poor film - a load of arty farty rubbish with 2 or 3 shocking scens thrown in.

Very surprised SKy showed it.