The American remake of Spaced

Wonder Pigeon

'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Apr 8, 2006
Forza Shelbourne
Man oh man. I'd heard that it was bad, but...sweet lord.

This is about as far from "getting it" as you can get.

likewise i hovered over the play button then remembered the american version of life on mars and decided not to ruin spaced... which is fecking top... i crack up when i think of the artist dude painting RAGE!!!!!
likewise i hovered over the play button then remembered the american version of life on mars and decided not to ruin spaced... which is fecking top... i crack up when i think of the artist dude painting RAGE!!!!!

I loved Spaced, and I hit play. If anything it just reaffirms the fact that British comedy is great and America will never beat it no matter how hard they try
I didn't think it was so terrible, if you go into it expecting it to be equally as good as the original or else it is an American disgrace, you're obviously going to be disappointed. Its not as bad as Life on Mars which was an abomination.