That racist airport programme on the Beeb..

Its quality - I dont really see what all the racism fuss is about to be honest.
I've not seen it

This is still a racist country at heart, folk like to pretend and cover it up, but they like nothing better than a racist joke, and to make racist comments when they can get away with them in private. Which is a shame
Taaj is a quality character, but the immigration officer is the best.

"I'm not racist. One of my friends has a friend who is black. And he's really black. Boy is he black...."

"Some people say I am Racist, Well if being highly suspicious of all foreighners is racist then well better throw away the key!"
Apparently Taj has been censored out and removed from the show.

Dont say that, as a person who is from the same background as the character, I can safely say that he isnt racist. How it can it possibly be so if all you have to do is venture on to Wilmslow/Stratford/Edgware/Ladypool/Coventry/*Insert any other here* Rd and see replicas of Taaj everywhere? All Walliams and Lucas did were take the piss out of the stereotypes, and tbh, the people who they are taking the piss out of, are frankly too thick to even process that it is them that are being insulted...
Just forced myself to watch a bit more of this. It's not very funny.