That Mitchell & Webb Look

Was there a Sir Digby Chicken Caesar episode?
The new series has been fantastic, which is unusual for a sketch show in its 4th series.

I usually like these but I haven't laughed once watching the whole series. The worst character is that Hennimore one

Agree with that last point, not a fan of that sketch. But on the whole I think this has probably been the best series since the first one.
The first two series were brilliant, I was worried that this would be the last though after a lacklustre third but they have really raise their game this year.

For any David Mitchell fan I would suggest Would I Lie To You, it consistently has me in fits of laughter.
I wish they would just put all their effort into Peep Show. Now that is real comedy.
I wish they would just put all their effort into Peep Show. Now that is real comedy.
Yeah easily one of my favourite comedy shows of all time, but since Mitchell and Webb don't do any writing for it I wouldn't imagine it affects their commitment towards peep show by doing their own programme.

Oh and another suggest for Mitchell fans would be these sometimes brilliant rants.

YouTube - davidmitchellsoapbox's Channel
I think it's gotten gradually worse. First season was the best and I really think the 4th is poor bar a few sketches.
I like the one about homeopathy
add a drop then dilute it , add another drop and dilute it some more then put a drop on his tongue .. if that doesnt work , i dont know what will
I've watched a few episodes and just haven't found it funny in the slightest.

Tried to get into it but it's just, well... a bit shit, to be honest.
I think the original thread starter was referring to this particular sketch from the show.

Certainly didn't expect the series to finish like this.