That Mitchell and Webb Situation


Needs Help
Oct 27, 2006
Co. Down
Just bought and watched series 1 & 2. Excellent viewing, what say you?

Also, any plans for a third series?
I've only seen That Mitchell and Webb Look, and that was really a let down after I had just watch every one of Peep Show episodes.

The audience/laugh track really put me off, most of the skits, bar the one about the German SS, were not as funny as I would have hoped...anyway, what's better, Situation or Look?
Nothing compares to the sheer genius of Peep Show (apart from maybe 'Pablo: The Drug Mule' - that is fecking hilarious!)

So who is funnier, Mitchell or Webb? It's got to be Mitchell right?
I never really got into Peep Show. Tried watching some episodes and just didn't find it funny at all. Mitchell and Webb experience has some good sketches though, and Mitchell is by far the funnier of the two.
The Peep Show was brilliant.
Mitchell is indeed funnier than Webb.
But Webb (Smoking Room) is the better "actor".

Incidently I saw Mitchell on Have I GOt News For You last week.
He has obviously lost about three stones in weight. And did not suit it:confused: