In Weastey's words. I wouldn't call it shite, no one has the right to call anything shite, but it clearly lacked the artistic and production merits of other 'better' TV series!
Have they made her fit? That was where the original Terminator films went wrong.
It always amazes me when Hollywood producers feck that up. Like "The Maltese Falcon". Look spasmos, I don't expect every blockbuster to be artistic, interesting, well-written, even well directed. I do expect the main actress to be fit, unless she's old. Is that too much to ask? Just cast the ones you're boning FFS... why do you think they're letting you bone them?
we're talking about the TV series, you big nosed gimp.
Watched loads of oldies last year. Sunset Boulevard, Streetcar Named Desire and some other films I can't remember at the moment, were probably the best of the lot.