TERA Online

Count Orduck

Full Member
Jan 15, 2012
Does anyone here play this? I've been looking at getting a new MMO for a while, and with the new WoW expansion two months away I need something to fill my unemployed time whilst I search for a job.

So, is TERA any good? I got the Star Wars MMO when it came out from Bioware, and regretted it almost immediately as it was absolutely awful. Got to about level twenty then gave up on it. I also did the same with Rift, though I gave up on that because it was just too similar to WoW for me to play both at the same time (I still play WoW). I've heard a lot of good things about TERA (though not from women!), and so am interested to know what it's like.

I'm also looking at Guild Wars 2, but as that's not subscription-based, I'm not counting it in my limit of two MMOs on the go at once.
It's supposed to be a endless grind with no end game content and it might be going Free to play soon. I would recommend Rift if you want to pass time until GW2 is out. Had a really good time with Rift a few months and it costs nothing to buy these days, like 5-10 bucks and then you get a free month. It's exactly like WOW in many ways, shame it never picked up more players.
I hated it, personally. The new combat system is different and fun for a while but it just gets really monotonous.

Give me SWTOR anyday, although that's going F2P soon too, sadly. The death of MMOs
Found a 7-day free trial on the website so thought I'd give it a go. It's alright. The combat mechanic is quite good and different, but the quests are dull and I imagine they'll get wearing after a while.

The outfits - particularly for the women - are obscene though!