Ten Years in the Making and 6.75 - Too Human (XB360)


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana

Lawsuits, shitty engines and support, and ten years. Moved from Playstation, to Game Cube to XB360 along the way. Is this possibly the biggest disaster in gaming history? It's supposed to be a trilogy as well, maybe the last one will surface in 2020. I feel sorry for them, god knows how much money they have spent on it.
I actually think it could be fairly good, although admittedly the demo does still play like a ps1 game and the graphics ar reasonably shit. But if it has a good story then I'm usually happy
Daikatana showed that this kind of protracted development is never a good thing, it's best to just start from scatch after a while. Duke Nukem Forever will be the same thing if it ever gets released, I reckon.

You've got to fell for the developers a bit though.
Well, when it has been chopped and changed as much as it has it was never going to be great was it.

Just another mediocre 360 exclusive I see:smirk:
The demo was enough to show it was going to be a disaster, SK shoulda just released it back in the day instead of crying about game engines today.
GameSpot gave it a hugely disappointing 5.5

Which means it must be a disaster seeing as GameSpot are known to take a very generous stance towards reviewing 360 exclusives.
You'd think game developers would take a step back during the creative process and realise what they're creating is a load of shit.

I did it during an exam once, and then drew patterns.
Has anyone played this? And is it as shit as everyone is saying?