Team Fortress 2


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Beckham, in toward Schmeichel, it's come for Dwigh
It's a class game. It was a bit weird, and hard to get into at first but once you get used to it, there's a whole load of gameplay.

Tactically, it's the most sophisticated FPS I've ever played, the balance of the classes (characters) is near perfect.
Yeah, it's a brilliant game. I only really play as a Scout though, get bored with the other classes pretty quickly
I downloaded it a while back, so technically I could redownload it and play at any point, but I really didn't like it. I think it was too hectic for my tastes - I like my shooters nice and slow paced. Call of Duty 1 was about as fast as I like to get.

I'm looking at getting ARMA 2 when my new PC arrives. Operation Flashpoint's spiritual successor, five hour battles etc. Luverly.
ARMA 2 has been out on Steam for a while, but I'm going to leave it for a month or two and hope it gets patched because typically it's been released with loads of bugs.

Going to be awesome once it's sorted and the community starts modding it :drool:
ARMA 2 has been out on Steam for a while, but I'm going to leave it for a month or two and hope it gets patched because typically it's been released with loads of bugs.

Going to be awesome once it's sorted and the community starts modding it :drool:

Friend of mine already plays in a clan (although I think they call themselves something far more suitably pompous), and loves it. I watched him play the other night. Very tactical, very slow, but very awesome.

They were assaulting a base in a night-fight, huge numbers of combatants on either side (though I'm not sure quite how many), and took it with only 2 KIA and 1 WIA. Was crazily good.

Will be even better once people start modding other forces into the game. This friend's clan is going to adopt the British Army equipment and uniforms the moment they become available, as they apparently did in ARMA 1.
Is this the one on The Orange Box? I ordered that last night.

You won't be dissapointed, the Orange Box is sensational. For some reason the disc i had only let me play Portal, it would crash on the others, but i didn't take it back for ages because i would have payed £15 for Portal alone!

Then when i finally got around to replacing it with another version i wasn't annoyed because Half Life 2 and Team Fortress were just brilliant, probably the best bundle of first person games i've ever seen.
Easily one of the best first person shooters I've ever played. The Orange Box really is a ridiculously good deal.
It's probably my favourite FPS ever. It's actually one of my favourite games ever. I haven't played it for a couple of months, since the internet where I'm at right now is truly terrible, but it's the sort of game I always can come back to. I've had several breaks from it, but in the end I always come back.

I've sunk literally hundreds of hours into it, and I fancy myself as quite a good player, particularly when it comes to Sniper, Engineer, Medic and Soldier. Just love it.

We'll have to set up a game some time. But not until a couple of weeks, when I go back 'home' :p
Definitely need to set up a game in the future. Everyone playing on PC?
Havn't played it in a whilebut yeah love the game.....its madness really but a lot of fun.

Yeah play it on the PC UBERScholes....might start up playing it again soon
TF2 is mint, I used to play for a clan but I've been trying to cut back on my gaming over the last few months.

Sniper is my speciality... you won't find many better :cool:
Love Scout rushing snipers, feckers they are
I havn't played that much recently, I bashed it out loads at launch. Are pyros still imba?