Taking Back Sunday


Supports Manc...ini
Aug 23, 2006
Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends line-up reunited.

Major TBS news for those that care. Rubano and Fazzi have left the band.

...And are set to be replaced by Shaun Cooper and John Nolan.

Full story here: // AP: NEWS - Matt Rubano and Matt Fazzi out of Taking Back Sunday; John Nolan and Shaun Cooper back in


Yeah, all emo's report to this thread for roll call and (hopefully) a ban.
Taking Back Sunday have to be the gayest band ive ever heard. Up there with that Dashboard Confessionals bullshit.
I liked their early stuff.

Cute without the E and You are so last summer. Top songs as a teenager.
Its an excellent move really. Although Straylight Run, Nolan and Cooper's other project was pretty good too. Hopefully TBS can recapture the spirit of rock music between 03-05 because there was a lot of good stuff at the time. And since then its been pretty crappy. Going back to the "tell all your friends era" can only be a good thing.