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He went on Take Me Out, now folk want him dead | Entertainment |
We’ve all been there. Said the wrong thing in front of a girl and, in trying to repair the damage, clumsily driven a steamroller straight through the house. But for 27-year-old male model Damion Merry, ‘there’ was national television, in front of a studio audience, with five million more watching on at home, cringing and laughing, many of them taking to their laptops and smartphones to call him a c**t.
“I was just digging and digging and digging,” he says. “I just kept going deeper into that hole and couldn’t get myself out. It was just one mistake after another.”
Is this the same guy on the left of the picture in the policemans outfit??
Ironic if it is because he's advertising dating
YummiTube - funny videos, photos
(obviously some of you wont see the picture as it is an advert!)
We’ve all been there. Said the wrong thing in front of a girl and, in trying to repair the damage, clumsily driven a steamroller straight through the house. But for 27-year-old male model Damion Merry, ‘there’ was national television, in front of a studio audience, with five million more watching on at home, cringing and laughing, many of them taking to their laptops and smartphones to call him a c**t.
“I was just digging and digging and digging,” he says. “I just kept going deeper into that hole and couldn’t get myself out. It was just one mistake after another.”
Is this the same guy on the left of the picture in the policemans outfit??
Ironic if it is because he's advertising dating

YummiTube - funny videos, photos
(obviously some of you wont see the picture as it is an advert!)