Tagline (again)


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Mods aint it about time you changed my tagline? I wouldn't mind if it was somewhat relevant but come on.... Its just crap.

I'm sure people have some reasonable suggestions.
marcosdeto said:
"my boyfriend is homo"?
are you lot all 15 or something? :wenger: your statement is a given really if said by a guy
I want a tagline like this marcos fella... although I dont know what he had to do to get it :nervous: on second thoughts....
marcosdeto said:
he`ll never recover from that :devil:
No thanks then.... but just out of curiousity, how did you get that tagline?
If its explicit, dont say.....
afrocentricity said:
No thanks then.... but just out of curiousity, how did you get that tagline?
If its explicit, dont say.....

i don`t know what you are implying about "explicit" ...
but let jasonhr show you my former tagline and see if you want to have it for two or three hundred posts, and then youll have for a while a tagline you chose
marcosdeto said:
i don`t know what you are implying about "explicit" ...
but let jasonhr show you my former tagline and see if you want to have it for two or three hundred posts, and then youll have for a while a tagline you chose
Your scaring me now.... obviously its just as bad if not worse than what I have now, or you wouldn't be so keen for me to have it.
afrocentricity said:
plus you dodged my question :rolleyes:

i had to bear an awfull and very explicit tagline for many days ... i laugh and made jokes about it, and never complain -i did but jokingly- and that`s how i got it changed

i don`t have it now, and i can`t find it, i think jasonhr has one and he can download it.


and don`t take your tagline too seriously, just have fun here as most of us :smirk:
Marcos Tagline Gallery



bigjet66 said:
Why did you reveal the content of a private message :mad: :(
It wasn't the content of it, was it?

It was the title.

Would you like me to reveal the contents? I was honestly pleased to receive the "..." one.
marcosdeto said:
and don`t take your tagline too seriously, just have fun here as most of us :smirk:

Okay marcos.... but then thats easy for you to say with your nice new tagline. My problem is mine is crap, plus bigotjet actually believes it and makes advances.... which is uncomfortable to say the least.
bigjet66 said:
That was the true content :mad: :(

You sent me two.

The second one was called "..."

For your sake I'm not revealing the contents of either or the title of the first one.

Unlike last time when you sent me a PM about how I would die in the electric chair. Which was as spastic a threat as you can get.
marcosdeto said:
it`s a joke and it`s not about you ... you gotta relax a little mate :smirk:
:wenger: I figured that out, I'm not new hear... I've spoken to those two before, that was an 'eh' as in what does Jason have over bigjet.... jeeez, you need to get on the right page fella
afrocentricity said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
what did you do to deserve that?
nothing that i`m aware of, but i`m not sad or anything about that, furthermore, i have great respect with all of the guys that started with it, and have a lot of fun with them. This forum is to have a good time. And if bigjet is making advances at you, is just for fun, so don`t take it seriousluy just laugh, answer him in a way that he knows you are not bothered, and that will be it.
Marcos, Afro here is an old and respected colleague of mine in the taking the piss out of spazzes profession.

I apologise for not introducing the two of you.
jasonrh said:

You sent me two.

The second one was called "..."

For your sake I'm not revealing the contents of either or the title of the first one.

Unlike last time when you sent me a PM about how I would die in the electric chair. Which was as spastic a threat as you can get.
:lol: typical...
marcosdeto said:
nothing that i`m aware of, but i`m not sad or anything about that, furthermore, i have great respect with all of the guys that started with it, and have a lot of fun with them. This forum is to have a good time. And if bigjet is making advances at you, is just for fun, so don`t take it seriousluy just laugh, answer him in a way that he knows you are not bothered, and that will be it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: