
Anybody excited about his upcoming album uncaged?

I'm loving this track

Second Single is alrght too


I like T.I, I enjoy his voice in a non-homosexual way.
yeh he's probably my favourite at the moment, not that i follow the rap scene or anything.
He's in a movie too. I like him as a rapper, he has a unique sound to him
I thought it was a rip off of all the rappers that go on about how rich they are, which is mostly AKON... Plus I'm sure he's got some shit tune about him on a boat (well he's on one in the clip at least).

Meanwhile I seriously can't get enough of those two tunes... Though there's a better quality vid of 'yeah ya know' around - the HQ one. There's even just the back-track on youtube.

Cheers for bringing 'em to my attention Boss, they're definitely two of my favourite few tunes of this year.
My initials are T.I

Not a real fan of his music though...next album I'm looking forward to is Kanyes