Swearing on TV and Film


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
Sometimes it is big and clever

A single "shit" made epic.

Unexpected swearing is good swearing. I was geniunely shocked by this.

Al Swearengen, who all swears were rightly named after.

Who would have thought a John Hughes film would have one of the greatest swearing scenes ever?

Any more?
Shut up cnut was the greatest thing ever.
Unexpected swearing is good swearing. I was geniunely shocked by this.


It never gets old, I had to play this about 10 times to get all the laughing out of my system before I could carry on with the episode. It's his deadpan delivery that does it for me.
I saw the thread title and was going to post the Planes, Trains scene but you already got it, good choice!
I cannot find clips on youtube, which for some reason is not working for me at the moment, but I would like to give as an example, A Fish Called Wanda.

George: Tell those pigs to feck off.
Archie: feck off, pigs.
(the police officers are dumbfounded)
Archie: Did you hear what I said? feck. Off.

I am also fond of David Brent telling Finch to feck off in The Office Christmas special.

It never gets old, I had to play this about 10 times to get all the laughing out of my system before I could carry on with the episode. It's his deadpan delivery that does it for me.

:lol: i had to do the same thing.
My 11 year old loves Little Lion Man by The Mumford Brothers although the first time he heard the real thing he was a bit confronted because the radio version has the word feck faded out. Amusingly he self fades the word out when he sings it himself. Even when he thinks we can't here him. :lol:
I remember calling my dad a 'cnut' when I was about nine because we'd started saying it in the playground at school after one lad introduced us to it. He was quite calm and told me not to say that word again in front of my sisters.
I also made a 'wanker' sign at him by shaking my hand at him when he told me off, again not knowing what it actually meant and he went ballistic. It was only when I was about twelve I worked out it meant to grab and shake your dick, so I tried it but it was crap.The when I was about twelve and a half, I realised you needed a hard-on as well....and the rest, as they say, is history.
That whole dinner scene in Dexter was outstanding. Probably my favourite scene ever.
Transformers the Movie (1986) - a single use of the word 'shit' is remembered fondly by the transformers fandom due to the ovrerreaction that it spawned from studios.

(As one of the characters space ships is getting sucked into a giant planet eating moon he says "Oh shit what are we gunna do now")
Transformers the Movie (1986) - a single use of the word 'shit' is remembered fondly by the transformers fandom due to the ovrerreaction that it spawned from studios.

(As one of the characters space ships is getting sucked into a giant planet eating moon he says "Oh shit what are we gunna do now")

Jazz is my favourite character from that film, mainly cause he's voiced by the guy who did Hong Kong Phooey.

Another good swearing scene is the one in Desperado where Tarantino is telling the joke in the bar.

Ben Kingsley ownes that film....Brilliant. Ian McShane's hair is pretty good in it too actually. Damn I need to watch that again
I've seen 44 Inch Chest. Was a little disappointed what with it coming from the Sexy Beast crew.

There's some quality swearing in it though I'll give it that. I'm thinking the whole "you fecked his wife you feckin....wife fecker you" scene.

The Kings of movie swearing for me though are David Mamet & Shane Black. Martin McDonagh showed a lot of promise too with In Bruges. I hope he makes more films.
I didn't even know where Bruges fecking was.

It's in Belgium

have you seen 44 inch chest yet??

i think it was made by the same people with a few of the same cast (Ray Winstone and Ian Lovejoy McShane)

No I haven't....It didn't get very good reviews did it? I'll download it probably (legally of course :nervous:)

Trailer Park Boys....best mockumentary/comedy series in my eyes! love it Makes swearing cool ironically this episode is called 'If i cant smoke and swear...im fecked"

Waaaaaaaaait you mothefecker :lol:

2 scenes from the pick of destiny movies and so much unnecessary swearing that i felt like a naughty schoolkid watching this!

Ps: The devil is played by Dave Grohl
Right, after watching 'In The Loop' the other day and countless other entries I've still yet to see anything that beats the following rant from Al Pacino in GlenGarry...

Every single line is delivered PERFECTLY and all the major swear words are covered even though (oddly enough) it's "you fairy" and "you fckin child" that seem to cut deepest. Spacey looks close to tears which are more than likely real.

The "Fcuk you, fcuk the lotta you, fcuk you all!!" exchange between Ed Harris and Al Pacino runs it close as does the legendary Baldwin scene.
I saw the thread title and was going to post the Planes, Trains scene but you already got it, good choice!

I'd forgotten about it and let the kids watch it last weekend. As soon as it started I knew he was going to continue but I just ignored it and let it play out. The kids didn't bat an eyelid, which I'm not sure whether it's good or bad.