
The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!

Anyone watched this film? Just watched it tonight.

What the actual feck?
I watched it last year - pretty fecked up but I did like it. Loved Nathan Fillion as the Holy Avenger....or whatever he was called

Kevin Bacon plays a great bad guy too - as in X-Men First Class.

Shut Up Crime!
Aye it was weird. Oddly entertaining, but entirely fecked up!

You don't butt in line! You don't sell drugs! You don't molest little children! You don't profit off the misery of others! The rules were set a long time ago! They don't change!


Shut up crime indeed.
I thought it was good. Came out around the same time as Kick-Ass. Similar basic plot yet a completely different movie.

I was shocked when half of Juno's face got blown off. Did not expect that at all.
I thought it was good. Came out around the same time as Kick-Ass. Similar basic plot yet a completely different movie.

I was shocked when half of Juno's face got blown off. Did not expect that at all.

Read somewhere that although they were similar, neither were a copy-cat, although Super came out a while later. Someone involved in Kick-Ass came out and said they were both in development at the same time, Kick-Ass just came out earlier. You are right, entirely different films!

Yeah, spoiler was a shocker!
It was very fecked up. I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not. It's definitely not as good as Kick Ass anyway.
I thought it was brilliant. Totally and uterlly fecked up... but highly entertaining.

I like James Gunn as a director/writer... I thought Slither was very underrated and highly entertaining, and if you've never watched PG Porn... google it this very second. The short that features Nathan Fillion is hilarious.
I love Slither. Fillion was brilliant in it and Banks was quite fresh. She's a solid comedic actress.
His next film has got a huge cast. It's a movie that consists of lots of short segments.
I put this in the Redcafe movie review thread cos I was interested what others thought. Those vision moments were a bit naff and the ending was a bit saccharine in a way, but yeah it was fecked up.

Kind of disturbing but entertaining.

Hahaha that's internal bleeding, you've lost your legs!!
It was gloriously fecked up. Loved it.

I love Slither. Fillion was brilliant in it and Banks was quite fresh. She's a solid comedic actress.
His next film has got a huge cast. It's a movie that consists of lots of short segments.

Yeah he just directs one of the short segments. Not really a proper movie.