Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li


scored 25-30 goals a season as a right footed RW
Feb 7, 2005
I've just heard that a new street fighter movie is in production.

For those of you that haven't heard of the Street Fighter video game series they were incredibly popular beat 'em ups in the 90's.

Sounds as though the new movies story is going to centre around Chun Li embarking on a quest :wenger:

Confirmed cast so far;

Kristin Kruek (Lana lang from Smallvile) is playing Chun li
Michael Clarke Duncan is Balrog
Chris Klein ( Nova in American pie) is Nash.

I love the video games, they were a huge part of my childhood. But i've got a horrible feeling that this movie is gonna suck balls!

I guess one thing is certain, this film can't possibly be worse than the abomination that was the 1994 streetfighter movie starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Kylie Minogue (Pre booty shaking!).
I thought the other film was ok, preferred the Mortal Kombat 2 film though

I was a big fan of the original Mortal Kombat movie. It was an Enter the Dragon rip off but then so was the video game. Wasn't that keen on the sequel though.

Streetfighter the movie i hated.

I was a huge Van Damme fan back in '94 but even i couldn't possibly understand why they got a dude with a belgium accent to play an all American soldier!
There was an animated movie made about 10-15 years back and that was awesome.

Why not make a live action version of that?

New Street Fighter movie = straight to video.

And to think that Kristen Kruek has quit Smallville for this kind of shit!