Streaming from Mac to Xbox 360


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
Any suggestions?

I've tried a little program called "Connect360" but it doesn't see my Xbox

Mac upstairs running Leopard
Xbox downstairs connected to telly. Strong wireless connection to router (which is in same room)
Mac connects to internet with a pair of "Powerline" broadband plugs. Its plugged into a socket, hardwired to Mac.
Downstairs is the other plug, hardwired into router.
Have you tried Vuze?

Vuze got a big update today. Version 4.2 of the torrent client/online video portal service now allows live video streaming to game consoles Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The software acts as a media server and can directly transfer High Def content (music vids, the latest movie trailers and television episodes) free of charge to consoles on the same network.

Streaming to consoles isn't anything new, but it certainly hasn't been made this easy -- just simply drag-and-drop the video poised for streaming into Vuze's "Devices" tab and you're set. Vuze will automatically convert file formats if it detects that the original file can't be played on the receiving device. Oh, and the fact that it is completely free should be reason enough to try it out.
that sounds interesting Lance

one of the reasons i wanted to try Connect360 was because some of my content is in .mkv format which VLC sorts out nicely but the xbox doesn't recognise it as basically its just a container file. Connect360 auto converts the format to play on the 360

Vuze could be an option
It is what my brother uses and he has no problems with it. However, he has a PC as opposed to a Mac. I don't know if that will make a difference.