Here's you visionary Geebs (top left red box)...
That's part of an interview with the lead Amiga designer Jay Miner.
Amiga 1000 could do a display something similar to video output of 448x384 in 32/64 colours or 896x384 in 16 colours (896x768 if interlaced) if HAM was never invoked. Text in the red box on the right refers to the 2nd generation of Amiga developed at Amiga Corp. in Los Gatos (the company that Commodore bought and Jobs couldn't be arsed with) where in late 1987 they had a 1024x1024 non-interlaced display in 128 colours. Commmodore never used that Amiga revision, it had the codename of Amiga Ranger.
So, when Jobs visited Amiga Corp. when they were looking for money, he preferred his 512 x 342, monochrome, low memory, non-expandable, non-multi-tasking Macintosh. I don't blame him, Apple had no real means to fab the custom silicon. Commodore, owning MOS, did and then fecked it all up, but the entire point I was trying to make is what iSparky paraphrased is a bit of a joke. The original Mac was a turd of a machine, yet it's now being touted that its mediocre engineers were so focused by the driving influential wonderful management of Steve Jobs that they did things that they didn't think were possible? Yet at the same time, just over the road, a few blokes funded by some dentists with a bit of spare cash technologically blew them out of the water? Sorry, but if that appears in that book, then that book is a turn in itself trying to evangelise the man in some way. As I said, the original Mac, one of the things he did have a hand in, was a turd.