Stargazing Live


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Does anyone else watch this? Jonathan Woss was just holding a piece of meteorite four and a half billion years old. Four and a half billion. Imagine holding something like that.

And looking at pictures of a galaxy 1 billion years all just blows my mind to be honest. It's all so fascinating, but talk about feel inconsequential amongst the grandiosity of space.
Missed the first night, it is really is fascinating. Although they really do enjoy giving it the whole "we're all going to die!!!" thing.

EDIT: Hehe they're using out MotD camera on the space station now.
Ha I know. I like Professor Cox, he has a creepy smile but he's really passionate...almost childish in his enthusiasm and you can't help but get caught up in it.

Plus he is a United fan and keeps mentioning it- bought up Solskjaer earlier :D
Yeah he's making several united comments, I bet Dara is gutted to be missing the game mind...

Let's just hope cox doesn't start singing things can only get better.
Annoying my flatmate by flicking between this, the game and Raiders on BBC1....

Whilst watching this fella train for weighlessness in a pool with all his equipment on Coxy said he'd "done that to some extent"....Well yes, we've all done that to some extent. I've been in a pool. So to some extent, I've done that too.
I reckon even I would be tempted to read an astronauts facebook update tbh! I bet they get mint wifi an' all- they're right next to a satellite..
I watched some of it, really like that kind of stuff.

Are there still meteors to be seen each night? We saw some a couple of nights ago but don't know if it was a one-off for that one day or a few day long thing.
Yeah, I've been watching it. I'd quite like for it to become a regular thing, maybe once per month or even once per week. The live set up makes it more interesting than your standard programme on astronomy. The presenters work well, too, although Dara O Briain's combination of a strong Dublin accent and mumbling manner of speech makes him barely intelligible at times. And I can't say I'm overly keen on Dr Cox's questionable Jamie Redknapp-esque usage of the word 'literally' and the constant smile, but I won't let that get in the way of a good programme.