Star Wars:Phantom Menace


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
Anyone watching it, currently on ITV ?

I'm not a massive Star Wars fan, but i do love this one.
It's like the worst Star Wars film by far and a terrible film in general. Actually I take that back, I hated Clone Wars equally if not more. I mean I don't really like Star Wars films but the new ones were so bad it was like they were trying to annoy fans. Jar Jar Binks FFS?
It's like the worst Star Wars film by far and a terrible film in general. Actually I take that back, I hated Clone Wars equally if not more. I mean I don't really like Star Wars films but the new ones were so bad it was like they were trying to annoy fans. Jar Jar Binks FFS?

That's what makes that one so poor, 30 minutes of facetime for the awful idea and character that is JaJa Binks
Underrated film I think. Love the lightsaber fight at the end.
Underrated film I think. Love the lightsaber fight at the end.

Honestly that is the only good part of the movie, that said it is a great fight between Darth Maul and Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon at the end, too bad most people have either stopped the film or fallen asleep by that point
No matter what your feelings towards towards the film, you can't deny that the Queen is Hot! :drool:
Not wrong there. I'd give her Naboo an invasion any day of the week
I can. I never rated Natalie Portman.

It's like the Phantom Menace is a kid's film, almost. The others were fairly gritty and dark in places and, whilst they evidently appealed to the Sci-Fi lover in all of us, weren't really that kid-oriented (bar the fecking Ewoks).

But in the Phantom Menace there's Jar Jar Binks (who is not only annoying but actively kiddie, in that he does really stupid "funny" things that inevitably work out, like accidentally throwing a load of grenades at a tank which ends up winning the battle). But they also had the stupid Pod Race, which is ridiculous, and that whole scene at the end with Anakin and R2, where he manages to navigate a fighter through a huge battle, crash into the mothership and not get hurt, and then destroy it -- saving Naboo.

It's absolutely ludicrous. At least in Attack of the Clones he's slightly older so there isn't that stupid element of a small child running around, but even that film's terrible. I havn't even seen the third.
I am watching Return of the Jedi atm, worlds better than The Phantom Menace and the fight between Luke and Vader in this one is my favorite
To be honest, I don't really understand the whole Star Wars series. I mean, it's all backwards, which really confuses me, as I have to keep reminding myself that the last one was the first one, which really screws my brain up. I understand the basic plot, kind of, but not totally.

What I really need to do is rent all 6 of the films and watch them back to back, one Sunday.
Attack of the Clones was worse. Even for a film about silly dressed blokes with magic glow sticks, it pushed it's luck

When all those aliens types are sat around that meeting table, why are they all speaking in their own languages?
Episode 2, the one with Christopher Lee, was awful aswell, especially those scenes with the two blocks of wood having relationship problems.
The worst thing about it all is that the Star Wars universe has so much potential.

I mean; jedis, lightsabers, sexy aliens, what's there not to like?

Attack of the Clones was worse. Even for a film about silly dressed blokes with magic glow sticks, it pushed it's luck

When all those aliens types are sat around that meeting table, why are they all speaking in their own languages?

I agree. Lucas doing romance is just plain wrong. What an painful storyline we had to endure.
Jar Jar Binks ruined the movie.

Darth Maul wielding a double-bladed lightsaber was just kickass, though.
Actual dialogue from Star Wars Episode 2:
Anakin Skywalker: You're asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't.

Actual dialogue from Star Wars Episode 2:
Anakin Skywalker: You're asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't.


Anakin was terrible sometimes... he started to be cool when Obi Wan kicked his ass into the lava.
I agree. Lucas doing romance is just plain wrong. What an painful storyline we had to endure.

Well, it's supposed to be a film where people go around killing each other with swords, and exploding everything for no actual reason; it was never going to be a wise route to go down with the romance stuff.

Even the title is a stretch. At best, the clones merely turned up
first two movies were below par...according to me 3,5 and 6 were the best and the 4 was decent
I'm watching Attack of the clones now, and this seriously is a shit film.