Star Trek weekend...

Got them all as a box-set on DVD, enjoyed all of them. Especially the one when they return to Earth.
The general accepted rule is that the even numbered films are far better than the odd numbered films.

Did you enjoy the latest one Weaste? I thought it was one of the films of the year personally, yet most seemed a little indifferent too it.
Did you enjoy the latest one Weaste? I thought it was one of the films of the year personally, yet most seemed a little indifferent too it.

It was a farce!

That movie raped 4 decades of trek canon.

DS9 is the best trek series out of the lot...although the earlier couple of seasons are okay.

Come on now thats just not true, TNG (after season 3) holds that title easily.

As for the movies its true the even ones are far better than the odd numbered ones but imo the only two worth seeing is "Wrath of Khan" and "First Contact"... Oh and the new Star trek movie (i donno why but i dont consider it Star Trek but its a worthy watch)
Come on now thats just not true, TNG (after season 3) holds that title easily.

As for the movies its true the even ones are far better than the odd numbered ones but imo the only two worth seeing is "Wrath of Khan" and "First Contact"... Oh and the new Star trek movie (i donno why but i dont consider it Star Trek but its a worthy watch)

I like long arc stories that ds9 gave rather than the stand alone episodes of tng where the reset button was pressed after every episode. I like all trek series but i like ds9 the most.
I like long arc stories that ds9 gave rather than the stand alone episodes of tng where the reset button was pressed after every episode. I like all trek series but i like ds9 the most.

But its all about the single story-lines, some of the topics they spoke about were pretty unbelieveable given the time of writing - theres a ep called the drumhead and its almost a social commentary of life today! After seeing a large bulk of DS9 (after your recommendation in the SGU thread) and i'll admit its a million times better than Voyager and Enterprise (although credit where its due the last 2 seasons of Enterprise were pretty good) but for me TNG is what Star Trek is all about, DS9 took it in a new direction to keep it fresh and i liked it but TNG is TNG...
But its all about the single story-lines, some of the topics they spoke about were pretty unbelieveable given the time of writing - theres a ep called the drumhead and its almost a social commentary of life today! After seeing a large bulk of DS9 (after your recommendation in the SGU thread) and i'll admit its a million times better than Voyager and Enterprise (although credit where its due the last 2 seasons of Enterprise were pretty good) but for me TNG is what Star Trek is all about, DS9 took it in a new direction to keep it fresh and i liked it but TNG is TNG...

Well both are different types of shows and not all trek fans have the same preferences. Maybe im not rating tng high because its been ages since i saw it whilst i recently rewatched ds9 and voyager. Voyager was also good after season 5. Like you said enterprise's last 2 seasons were top notch (ignoring the last episode :wenger:). There were rumours that in season 5 of enterprise they were going to focus on the earth-romulan war which would have been nice. I dont know why a lot of trek fans gave stick to enterprise because it usually takes a couple of seasons to get interesting.
Well both are different types of shows and not all trek fans have the same preferences. Maybe im not rating tng high because its been ages since i saw it whilst i recently rewatched ds9 and voyager. Voyager was also good after season 5. Like you said enterprise's last 2 seasons were top notch (ignoring the last episode :wenger:). There were rumours that in season 5 of enterprise they were going to focus on the earth-romulan war which would have been nice. I dont know why a lot of trek fans gave stick to enterprise because it usually takes a couple of seasons to get interesting.

A friend of mine who is a big star trek fan didnt like Enterprise because it didnt have enough cannon references, but in the end i know a lot of people tuned out after season 2 and never came back. Theres no way back after that really.

You should give TNG another viewing, sure its cheezy but i loved it!
A friend of mine who is a big star trek fan didnt like Enterprise because it didnt have enough cannon references, but in the end i know a lot of people tuned out after season 2 and never came back. Theres no way back after that really.

You should give TNG another viewing, sure its cheezy but i loved it!

How could the writers do that when it was set before the federation came into existence. All the canon that we've seen for 40 years was when the federation existed.

Ive seen babylon 5 aswell...nothing can get cheesier than that but the writing was excellent.
I thought the new star trek film was bloody brilliant personally.

As for the old ones, even numbered films are the best ones and yes DS9 is the best series.
I wrote a treatment for a new Star Trek series a couple of years ago and shopped it around. Hope to revive doing so next year.
I wrote a treatment for a new Star Trek series a couple of years ago and shopped it around. Hope to revive doing so next year.

You can forget about a new trek series till 2014.
How could the writers do that when it was set before the federation came into existence. All the canon that we've seen for 40 years was when the federation existed.

Ive seen babylon 5 aswell...nothing can get cheesier than that but the writing was excellent.

Well i think things like the Zindi, 7 million people dying, Vulcuns weird behaviour and countless other things that occured which had never been mensioned about in TOS or other series annoyed them. Even in season 4 when it was probably what they would like to see they had such a hatred for it they wouldnt even give it a chance, i mean after the first 2 seasons i really wouldnt have blamed anyone for tuning out.

B5 i havent watched that since i was 7 or 8, but i saw B5: In the Beginning last week and i forgot how good it was
DS9 was an abomination.

... ok maybe that's a little harsh, but it was easily the worst of the Star Trek series. It wasn't awful, but it was more like a soap opera than sci-fi adventure show. I say it's the worst because I can happily disregard Enterprise as being a Star Trek series, what with it never having existed.

"Enterprise"? What? The feck are you talking about?

Did you enjoy the latest one Weaste? I thought it was one of the films of the year personally, yet most seemed a little indifferent too it.

I thought it was quite enjoyable as a film in itself. I'm not too fussed about canon to be honest. Not desirable the changes they made by any means, but sometimes these things need a reboot.
DS9 was an abomination.

... ok maybe that's a little harsh, but it was easily the worst of the Star Trek series. It wasn't awful, but it was more like a soap opera than sci-fi adventure show. I say it's the worst because I can happily disregard Enterprise as being a Star Trek series, what with it never having existed.

"Enterprise"? What? The feck are you talking about?


Your mad, DS9 was the best of the modern series
Series rating:

1). TNG
3). Original
4). DS9
5). Enterprise


1). First Contact
2). Undiscovered Country
2). Star Trek, JJ Abrams & Wrath of Kahn
Seriously how could anyone like Voyager? it had to be the weakest of all the ST's, i would rank Enterprise above it!

I'll be honest when i saw it the first time round i thought it was good but i recently rewatched it and sweet jesus did it annoy me
Yeah but still the captain really annoyed me and i dont think a lot of the characters were well writen, even the Doc i thought was only made by the guy who played him (he even did a brilliant job in SGA). It seems pretty much the same all the time as well, things look bad, Janeway comes up with a brilliant solution and it ends with her sumg face preching about something
I can think of at least seven (of nine) reasons.

Also the Doctor was an interesting character.

You did just say that right Duffer? He ranked alongside Nelix as the most annoying character on the show. It had some excellent episodes mind you, but I could count them on one hand.

The majority of the characters were annoyingly chirpy.
Next Generation was comfortably the best followed by the original. But I thought Voyager was quite good. Never got into Ds9 and never even attempted Enterprise.

TNG is responsible for some of my favourite TV moments;
-Borg episodes
-Picard Captured by Cardassians
-And the final episodes (All Good Things...)
Next Generation was comfortably the best followed by the original. But I thought Voyager was quite good. Never got into Ds9 and never even attempted Enterprise.

TNG is responsible for some of my favourite TV moments;
-Borg episodes
-Picard Captured by Cardassians
-And the final episodes (All Good Things...)

Yeah, that two parter was great. "There...are....four....lights".

DS9 is probably my favourite of them all (not seen any Enterprise). The overunning dominion war storyline, the cardassians, the klingons and an overall darker mood just do it for me.
If you like the darker side of Trek i would recommend seeing season 3 and 4 or Enterprise
Next Generation was comfortably the best followed by the original. But I thought Voyager was quite good. Never got into Ds9 and never even attempted Enterprise.

TNG is responsible for some of my favourite TV moments;
-Borg episodes
-Picard Captured by Cardassians
-And the final episodes (All Good Things...)

I like one of the earlier episodes of TNG - Where no one has gone before - the Enterprise found itself cast into a distant part of the Galaxy where people's thoughts became reality.
Series rating:

1). TNG
3). Original
4). DS9
5). Enterprise

Pretty much, yeah, though I'd have Enterprise ahead of DS9, who I never connected to.

As for the latest film, I thought it was brilliant. I know it turned the Star Trek universe on its head, but as I don't consider myself a Trekkie I don't really mind about those things. It was just excellent.
That appears to be an animated series. Mine is based in the 29th century.

29th century ? does is include temporal cold war that was hinted in enterprise ?

I think a new trek series will have to explore another galaxy since we've already explored all the four quadrants. In TOS kirk's enterprise encountered aliens from another galaxy so maybe a new series could be based on that galaxy.
I doubt we'll ever see another trek series, in the current climate its hard to imagine the go ahead on a show that will be expensive to run (Sci-fi shows always are) which will get low viewing figures and im not entirely sure companies think the demand for a new series is there.

Since its been off the air i've not heard even rumours about a new series.
I doubt we'll ever see another trek series, in the current climate its hard to imagine the go ahead on a show that will be expensive to run (Sci-fi shows always are) which will get low viewing figures and im not entirely sure companies think the demand for a new series is there.

Since its been off the air i've not heard even rumours about a new series.

The general idea is that there wont be another trek series till the next movie is finished and is well received by the people.

90's was really the "golden decade" for scifi...we've got feck all now except for sgu and its future is also rather bleak :(