Star Craft 2


New Member
Sep 17, 2009
Anyone buy it? I was wondering if there are reviews for the game on this forum?
Bought it yesterday. The gamplay is similar to old one, graphics are just as good.

The constant requirement for an internet connection and no LAN are weird and sad features for this.

Dont expect something amazingly diferent, if you have played SC-1, but still an highly entertaining game to be played.

Let me update as I progress through the campaign....
Ordered it on friday and hopefully should get it on Monday, really looking forward to it. I still have SC1 installed on my pc because i love it that much!

Ive heard a few people annoyed with the medivacs because its almost instant transport and support for your army - any truth in that Stavros?
I'm terrible at this game.

Yeah its usually the way with RTS, there are so many builds and knowing each and everyone so you know how to counter it if you come up against is annoying. But when you get the hang of knowing what units are good against what and a good balanced order on what to construct/research it becomes easier - that said i would still consider myself a noob to a lot of the run of the mill SC players
I'll watch my friends play, but I won't buy it because Activision-Blizzard are dicks. Mostly Activision. That's for another thread.
Isn't this the game where the actual game looks like it's from the early 90's. It looks ugly from the pictures I've seen.
does anyone know if there's a way I can unlock all armoury and mercenaries in one campagin or if I have to play it again totally separately to get there?
I play almost every night with mates, campaign is decent as well, starts off a little shallow but gets better.

Graphics are fantastic.

Chapster i think you have to play the campaign more then once.
damn. I'll have to do that after I get all the campaign achievements!
maybe when i go for the brutal run or something...

it's an awesome game. love the campaign
The story/writing in the campaign is absolutely ludicrous, it's filled with cliches and poor dialogue. The actual missions are very good though. And it gets even better once you go online.

I've got close to 200 games online now, the vast majority of them 2on2 or 3on3. I've always been into RTS', but I never really played Starcraft, so I had some catching up to do. It's fun, though.