Squeals on the way...


Magic Meat
Mar 14, 2006
Viva La Soviet Union
28 Months Later

28 Weeks Later was a really surprisingly good sequel to a fun, knockaround original. Fox Searchlight is believed to be exploring a second sequel, hoping to lure Alex Garland back to work on a script. Nothing concrete has yet emerged, but it’s very much on the slate…

300 2

Zack Snyder revealed last year that Frank Miller was working on an idea to the huge hit 300, As Snyder told MTV, “There's something that happens in history between Leonidas dying at the Hot Gates and Platea. That's a year that's left out of the [original] movie. A lot happened." And that seems to be the focal point for the eventual sequel. It’s still in development right now, though.

Alien 5

This one is more going to be a prequel than sequel, and it’s currently held up in development to a degree. Ridley Scott is being linked with a return to the director’s chair too, although the noise on that more comes from 20th Century Fox than Scott himself. Carl Rinsch, a newcomer and commercials director, was down to direct (although that seems unlikely now), but news on the project has been limited over the past six months or so.

Fox will, no doubt, be keen to see how its Predator sequel does this summer before fully committing to a new Alien movie, though. Expect its fate to be resolved one way or the other at some point this year.

Anchorman 2

Will Ferrell’s movie career has had better days, with the number of disappointments now outnumbering the successes (Step Brothers was hit last big hit). He’s bang on the money, however, in choosing to revisit his finest cinematic creation to date, though, with Ron Burgundy’s further adventures pencilled in for 2012. Director Adam McKay is also returning.

Avatar 2

James Cameron is sitting on top of the world with Avatar right now, and he’s publicly declared that he’s looking into one or two sequels. He says that he held back on some story elements with the original film, and wouldn’t want to not make use of all the work that went into creating the world of Pandora again. He’s not committing to any time scales on the project, but if he’s using what’s already been set up technically, it should be a bit quicker this time round…

Big Momma’s House 3

Well, shit.

As we’ve said before at this site, maybe it would be best if Martin Lawrence just put on 250lb rather than having to don the fat suit every few years when his career continued to suffer. The third entry in the Big Momma’s House series will once again see Lawrence in the title role, and John Whitesell – who helmed the second film, and Deck The Halls, amongst others – is directing. The shoot starts in April, the film should be ready within a year. The fourth film should be greenlit, we'd wager, not long after that. Sigh.

The Blair Witch Project 3

The co-director of the original Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, has revealed that he’s developing a proper follow-up to his biggest hit along with Daniel Myrick. Their plan is to pretend that Blair Witch 2 – with which they weren’t involved – never happened, and have worked up a treatment for a story that would bring the original characters back. It’s now up to Lionsgate whether to pursue it or not…

Bloodsport 2

Appreciating that there’s already been a Bloodsport 2, Jean-Claude Van Damme is nonetheless keen to do a 'proper' follow-up to one of his original hits. It was the Muscles from Brussels’ first film, and he wasn’t involved in any of the three films that followed it. Off the back of JCVD, he’s reportedly working on attracting funding for the new film.

Bourne 4

A project that’s pretty much guaranteed to happen, but there’s a bit of politics going on at the moment. Director Paul Greengrass has quit the movie (he directed Supremacy and Ultimatum), and without him on board, Matt Damon has declared that he’s not interested in doing the film. Some suggest that Greengrass has been having disagreements with Universal, which should get ironed out allowing him back for a fourth Jason Bourne adventure. 2012 would be the likely date for it if it’s going ahead.

Bruce Vs Frankenstein

Effectively a sequel to his earlier starring vehicle, My Name Is Bruce, Bruce Vs Frankenstein’s basic story is laid out in its title. Bruce Campbell will, of course, be starring, and the shoot is set for the back end of the year. Expect a release in 2011.

Cars 2

Pixar looks to extend the merchandising power of what’s turned out to be its most profitable picture when all revenues are taken into account. As such Cars 2: World Grand Prix will be arriving in the summer of 2011, and will see Lightning McQueen and Mater travelling the way as they go about their racing duties. The latest concept art for it is here.

The Chronicles Of Riddick

We thought that Riddick had died a cinematic death with the last film, but we’re not averse to a third adventure for Vin Diesel’s character if it matches the quality of the original, Pitch Black. The project is reported to be in pre-production at the moment, with David Twohy believed to be interested in returning to the director’s chair (and taking on screenplay duties). 2012 is the mooted release date.

Cloverfield 2

A sequel that’s still on the slate, but all JJ Abrams has had to say about Cloverfield2 of late is that he and director Matt Reeves are working on something. A second film that’s very likely to happen, but we’d be loathed to put a timeframe on it. Mainly because we don’t know.
Crank 3D

A stop press addition to the list. A third Crank film is planned, but not for a few years yet. And it'll be in 3D. Marvellous. More here.

Dark Knight sequel

There’s definitely going to be a new Batman film, and all the key cast members are back for a third go since Christopher Nolan rebooted the franchise with Batman Begins. It’s Nolan’s own involvement that’s up in the air, with the hope and general expectation being that he’ll commit once he’s done with his new sci-fi film, Inception, due this summer. 2012 is the earliest we'll see it, but Warner Bros may take its time...

The Departed 2

The original departed was based on the film Infernal Affairs, which itself has spawned two sequels. There’s, unsurprisingly, given the commercial and critical success of the first film, some enthusiasm for doing The Departed 2, and the screenwriter of the earlier film, William Monahan, had the project on his slate as late as last year. Not much else has been heard yet, but an outline target date of 2012 is still planned.

District 9

It’s unclear yet whether it’ll be a sequel or prequel to 2009’s surprise smash hit that’ll be arriving, but director Neill Blomkamp is certainly interested in returning. It won’t be his next project, but his leaning thus far appears to be towards a prequel story. Given the amount of money and profit film one made, we’d suggest a new District 9 adventure is pretty much a certainty.

Evil Dead IV

We know this is a film on Sam Raimi’s radar, as he’s revealed that he’s gradually been chipping away at a script for it for a good few years now. And now that he’s free of Spider-Man duties, its chances of going before the cameras sooner rather than later have increased. The wise money still suggests that Raimi will opt for Warcraft first, and then Evil Dead IV could well be next in line.

The Expendables 2

This one may be jumping the gun a little, but the reports are that the plan with Sylvester Stallone’s upcoming action opus is to kickstart a brand new franchise. Stallone hasn’t been saying much about it, understandable given that he’s finishing the first film off. We’d suggest that if the mooted follow-up were to go ahead, it would be heavily dependent on the money that the first film makes in August. It’s likely there’s intention for a new film, but – appreciating we’re stating the obvious – there’s going to be no firm decision to greenlight one before the summer.

Fast & Furious 5

The last Fast & Furious movie proved to be the most successful film in the franchise to date, and also gave Vin Diesel and Paul Walker the size of hit that they surely never thought they’d see again. The fifth film is set to be the last in the series, and rumours suggest that it’s going to be set in Brazil (presumably nixing any chances of the long-mooted The Brazilian Job in the process). Paul Walker is back, Vin Diesel is likely to be on board too.

Friday The 13th Part II

The sequel to the commercially successful remake has been bumped back from its original summer 2010 release date, but it’s still very much on the cards. Damian Shannon and Mark Swift are back on board to write it, although a new release date hasn’t yet been confirmed.

Get Smart 2

Steve Carell is set to return in a follow-up to the 2008 comedy hit Get Smart. It’s not clear yet whether Anne Hathaway will be back too, and right now, the film is at the scripting stage. A 2011 release is planned. Peter Segal is expected to be back on directing duties.

Ghostbusters 3

Ivan Reitman is returning to direct the long-mooted third Ghostbusters film, which is set to go before the cameras before the year is out. The plan is to have a new, younger collection of Ghostbusters ready to go into action, with the older crowd – and thus the returning Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver et al – schooling them in the ways of the bust. No release date has been mooted by Sony yet – summer 2011 may be a little too ambitious, but don’t rule it out. And if you want a potential story spoiler, click here...

Ghost Rider 2

It’s slow going, but the sequel to Ghost Rider is still going through the Hollywood machine. David S Goyer has delivered a fresh outline to Sony, who will be keen to get moving on a project lest it surrenders the rights back to the Disney-owned Marvel. Nicolas Cage is believed to be keen to return, but the film is looking unlikely to arrive before 2012.
G.I. Joe 2

You might not have liked it (and Duncan, as he proved in his rant, certainly didn't), but G.I. Joe still made a lot of money, and Paramount is keen to fast track a sequel. Don’t expect director Stephen Sommers to return (rumours suggest it was not a happy ship first time around), but do expect a screenplay from Zombieland scribes Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Paramount will want the film in cinemas for 2012 at the very latest.

Good Shepherd 2

Count this writer as someone who really enjoyed Robert De Niro’s slow-burning 2006 drama The Good Shepherd. De Niro is reportedly keen to develop at least one sequel to the film, with the options on the table being the following of Matt Damon’s character through another 30 years or so, or to set the new film in 1989. It’s a long shot to get the project off the ground, and it seems to be a bit stuck in development hell right now. It’d be good if this one got a bit of a push, though.

Gremlins 3D

Hmmm. It’s only a rumour at this stage, albeit a strong one. Warner Bros has reportedly put into production a third Gremlins movie, with the onus on 3D. We’d expect 3D Gremlins too. There’s no word on who exactly is developing the film, nor a timescale for the project. Just a fear in the pit of our stomachs. Here's the news we have on the project so far.

Hairspray 2

One of the many hit musicals of recent years, director Adam Shankman is willing to go back behind the camera for a Hairspray sequel. Zac Efron may or may not return, depending on how his career is going. It’s not implausible that the film will be shooting this year.

Hancock 2

A film that’s set to sit in the development queue for star Will Smith and director Peter Berg for a good while yet. Both have said they’re up for making the film, but Berg is currently making Battleship for Universal, and Smith is juggling several projects. Don’t be surprised if we’re kept waiting until 2013, but do expect more Jason Bateman when it finally arrives. Charlize Theron is set to return, too.

The Hangover 2

Arriving in cinemas on 26th May 2011, the sequel to Todd Phillips’ smash-hit 2009 comedy is going to reunite the key members of the cast. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis are all signed up, with Phillips again directing. On screenplay duties is Scot Armstrong, who penned the likes of Old School, School For Scoundrels and Road Trip for Phillips previously. The shoot begins this autumn.

Happy Feet 2

Lots more dancing penguins are on the way, with the currently in production sequel to Happy Feet. The new film will be in 3D, and Brad Pitt and Matt Damon have already been confirmed for voicing duties. George Miller is again directing, while he also works on Mad Max 4 (which we’re coming to shortly). The release date is set for 18th November 2011.

High School Musical 4: East Meets West

Aw, they all went and grew up, left school and, in the case of Zac Efron, sort of became movie stars. Disney is thus going back to basics with a new bunch of irritatingly-perfect singers and dancers for High School Musical 4. Director Kenny Ortega won’t be back for this one, so it’s a bit of a clean break for the franchise, and the new film will premiere on the Disney Channel later this year. Lock up your daughters...

I Am Legend

Most Will Smith films seem to get linked to sequels, with rumours still surrounding a follow-up to I, Robot still doing the rounds. I Am Legend is more likely, though, with talk being about whether to set the next story before or after the first film. The first film was a huge hit, and we’d suspect that the prequel is the more likely and obvious route for a second movie…


That really is Roland Emmerich’s preferred title if he can get his planned sequel to Independence Day off the ground. He was talking about the film during the promotion for his hit flick 2012, and Emmerich has plans to make two sequels to his mid-90s blockbuster. Emmerich hasn’t got a script ready yet (hasn’t stopped him before! Boom boom!), but said that Will Smith will definitely be involved. It will also definitely be Earth-based, rather than heading off into outer space.

Indiana Jones 5

Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford and George Lucas are all reported to be keen to eek one more adventure out of the Indy franchise before we all rumble just how underwhelming the last one was. The stumbling block is currently George Lucas, who’s currently trying to work out a story that everyone is happy with. Once he’s cracked that, Indy 5 will be on its way. Our guess is that summer 2012 is a fair bet. Time, after all, is not on their side. If they need some help, here's are list of five requirements for the next film.

Iron Man 3

The second Iron Man film arrives on May 7th, but all concerned are locked in for at least one more outing, which we’d wager will be turning up around May 2012…

Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D 2

Interesting one, this. The first Journey (which was itself a remake) pretty much sold off the back of its 3D technology, back when 3D wasn’t as prevalent as it is now (i.e. a year ago). Most seemed to agree it was a fairly crappy film, but it still crept over the $100m mark in the US, and a follow-up is in development, with the option on it being taken up. Might we suggest it’ll need to work a lot harder now that it doesn’t have a novelty in its corner, however?

Jurassic Park 4

And Jurassic Park 5 and 6 too, if director Joe Johnston gets his way. He recently confirmed that plans were still afoot for a fourth Jurassic Park movie, which he also revealed would mark the beginning of a new planned trilogy of dino adventures. Details are light though at the moment, and Johnston is busy with Captain America for the time being. 2013 would probably be about right if the project is to come together.
Kick-Ass 2

The first film doesn’t come out until April, but the early word on it – including from ourselves ("Hit-girl is going to make the Daily Mail shit kittens") – is nothing less than sensational at the moment. It’s going to take something really special now for it not to be the comic book movie of the year. And it’s already been confirmed that a sequel will definitely be happening. Director Matthew Vaughn, talking to MTV back in September, said, "We don't want to sound too cocky, but we know this is good .It didn't cost that much money to make. There will definitely be another one.” Expect it to take two to three years to come to fruition.

Kill Bill Vol 3

Quentin Tarantino has signalled his attention to make a third adventure for The Bride, ideally ten years after the first two films. That means that we’re looking at a 2014-ish release. Uma Thurman, as you might expect given that it’s the best part she’s had in her career (clearly Poison Ivy runs it a close second), is keen to return.

Kung Fu Panda 2

This one’s already well into production, and will be arriving next year. Jack Black and Dustin Hoffman have signed up for voicing duties, and the film has a title too: Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom Of Doom. Splendid.

Lemony Snicket 2

Here’s one we’d love to see. We can’t see Jim Carrey necessarily returning – he’s not done a sequel since Batman Forever/Ace Ventura 2 – yet director Brad Siberling is still keen to do a new Lemony Snicket film. Rightly so, too. He told CineFools last year that “I would love nothing more than to do that and we've been hoping to, so I think there will be a chance it may take a wildly different form but I think it will probably happen.” Watch this space…

Madagascar 3

DreamWorks is bringing the animals back for a third adventure, and it’ll be arriving in 2012. Eric Darnell is returning to direct, having helmed the first two films (and made the far superior Antz – can we have a sequel to that instead?).

Mad Max 4

George Miller is hard at work on a fourth Mad Max film, which won’t be featuring Mel Gibson, not even in a cameo role. Instead, Mad Max: Fury Road will feature Tom Hardy in the lead role, and Teresa Palmer has joined the cast (replacing Charlize Theron, who was originally on-board the project). Pre-production work has begun, ahead of a release on June 9th 2011.

Mamma Mia! 2

It’s likely to happen, but the original cast are set to be disposed of, as a prequel story is the current favourite. It’s likely to be a year or two away yet. That is all.

Men In Black 3

Sony is keen to get a third Men In Black outing before the cameras this year, with the idea being to pass the baton on to some degree. As such, Josh Brolin has been linked with the project, and Will Smith is a cert to return as well. Tommy Lee Jones? He should be back, but we couldn’t say for definite. Etan Cohen, the writer of Tropic Thunder, is working on the screenplay, and it’s unclear as of yet whether Barry Sonnenfeld will be back to helm the third film. Sony wants to get this one in cinemas for the summer of 2011, though.

Midnight Run 2

Revealed in the midst of Robert De Niro’s change of agent, all we know on this one is that De Niro is reportedly “mid-development” on a new, proper Midnight Run sequel. That’s marvellous news. Here’s hoping it comes to fruition, with Charles Grodin back on board too….

Mission: Impossible 4

Ignore the rumours and suggestions that Tom Cruise is being replaced by Brad Pitt on the Mission: Impossible franchise. The plan is still very much to have Mr Cruise front and centre of the fourth MI adventure, which is currently at the outline stage. JJ Abrams is involved again, after helming the third movie, but we’d be surprised if he could fit in directing this time around. Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec (who wrote for Abrams’ Alias TV show) are working on the script. A 2012 release date is possible.

Monsters Inc 2

Pixar is looking to bring one of its biggest hits – and characters – back to the screen with a sequel to Monsters Inc. The film is pencilled in for 2012, but it’s not clear yet who’s directing. Pete Docter, who helmed the original, won’t be steering the ship this time, having moved on to a different project within Pixar. No formal announcement has been forthcoming on the film from the firm yet, but it’s understood that ideas are being bandied around for it.

National Lampoon’s Vacation 2

New Line has recruited Wedding Crashers’ David Dobkin to explore a follow-up to the original National Lampoon’s Vacation from way back in 1983. This one may yet turn into some kind of reboot or remake, but the current thinking is for it to centre around the next generation of the Griswold family heading off on a new road trip, taking their grandparents – including Chevy Chase, of course – along for the ride. The film is currently in the development phase.

National Treasure 3

Once they’re done with this summer’s The Sorceror’s Apprentice, Nicolas Cage and director Jon Turteltaub are likely to turn their attentions to a third outing in the utterly implausible but still fun National Treasure series. The summer of 2012 is looking primed for it from here, and the project is currently at the outline stage.

Night At The Museum 3

Script work has begun on a third Night At The Museum film, unsurprising given the commercial success of the second. Thomas Lennon, co-writer of the first two films, has hinted that work is underway on the story, although as of yet, there’s no timescale known for the film.

Paranormal Activity 2

Not a sequel we’re looking forward to at all, with the warning bells of Blair Witch 2 showing no sign of being heeded. We’ve got a feeling that the first Paranormal Activity might be a true one off, but Paramount is keen to capitalise on its success and generate a sequel in time for Halloween this year. There’s no sign of a script, and its original choice of director – Kevin Greutert – has been hauled back to Lionsgate to make Saw VII (here are his feelings on that). But still, expect Paranormal Activity 2 sometime around Halloween. Sigh.

The Phantom 2

Odd one to believe, this, but plans are afoot for a belated follow-up to Billy Zane-starring superhero flick The Phantom. Entitled The Phantom Legacy, word has been quiet on the project for a little while, but Sherlock Symington Productions in Australia is trying to get the film off the ground. Tim Boyle is on writing duties, and they’re keen to pump more money into a sequel, arguing that the first film failed because of its low budget. That isn’t quite how we remembered it, to be fair. No word on when the film is heading before the cameras right now…

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Johnny Depp is back aboard, and Rob Marshall is taking the helm for the fourth Pirates Of The Caribbean. This one has a bit of a reboot feel to it, with most of the cast of the first three films being tossed overboard. It’s shooting in Hawaii this summer, ahead of a release in May 2011. And pleasingly, it seems that most of our requests for the next film are being followed.


This one may yet be known as Saw 3D, and after a bit of a tussle with Paramount Pictures, Kevin Greutert is returning to direct, having being at the helm of last year’s commercially disappointing (but still hugely profitable) Saw VI. It’s arriving in October, and with Saw VIII not actually yet confirmed, it’s going to have to arrest the slide of revenues for the franchise that have come with the last two entries in the series.

Scary Movie 5

They’re insanely profitable films, no matter how unfunny they may have become. There’s still keenness, therefore, in a fifth Scary Movie outing, although it may yet turn into a reboot without Anna Faris on board. Currently estimated release date is 2011, but a lot has to slot into place to meet that.
Scream 4

Ready for a brand new trilogy of Scream films? Neve Campbell is back, Courtney Cox is back and David Arquette are back. Furthermore, Kevin Williamson – who wrote the first two films – is penning the screenplay for Scream 4, and director Wes Craven is likely to be lured back for another go too. Production is set to begin in April – and that may yet allow a release before the end of the year if they really get their skates on…

Sherlock Holmes 2

Even before the first film hit big – as it did last Christmas, albeit in the shadow of Avatar – Warner Bros had got script work started on a Sherlock Holmes sequel. Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law are both locked back in to return, and rumours abound that Brad Pitt will be appearing as Moriarty. Kieran and Michele Mulroney are working on a script, and a Christmas 2011 release date is being targeted. It seems that Guy Ritchie will be returning behind the camera, too.

Silent Hill 2

There’s been no crushing demand for it last time we checked, but there are still plans for a second visit to Silent Hill. Roger Avary has done script work (and is still involved, in spite of his current incarceration), and the plan is to shoot the film this year, with a release likely to be in 2011. Radha Mitchell is set to return, but there’s no word on a director just yet.

Sin City 2

Hopefully, Robert Rodriguez will find room on his slate soon for this eagerly-awaited follow-up to his superb 2005 hit. Frank Miller is again involved as you might hope (although whether he will direct part of it again after having his fingers burned with The Spirit remains to be seen), and Rodriguez will be plucking another collection of stories from Sin City to form the sequel. A Sin City 3 is also mooted.

Star Trek 2 (or 12, depending on your preference)

June 29th 2012 will see the USS Enterprise and its crew of returning cast members beaming back onto cinema screens. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are again penning the script, with the emphasis more on a villain story this time around. JJ Abrams is expected to direct again. We might even get Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan…

The Strangers 2

A solid hit back in 2008, Rogue Pictures commissioned Bryan Bertino to return and write a screenplay for a sequel. Bertino, who also directed the first film, won’t be helming this time. Instead, that chair has been handed over to Laurent Briet. Liv Tyler is still reported to return, and the shoot is set to begin in the autumn, pending a release next year.

Super Troopers 2

The Broken Lizard team came a bit of a cropper with their Dukes Of Hazzard film, but it’s on far safer ground with a follow-up to cult hit Super Troopers. The second film reunites the same players in front of and behind the camera, and it’s going to be shooting this year for release in 2011.

Taken 2

A massive surprise hit in 2009, and a brief one at that (clocking in just shy of 90 minutes), a second outing for Liam Neeson’s former spy is at the treatment stage. Luc Besson is once more involved, and is one of those working on a script. Expect that it’ll be before the cameras by next year at the latest. Expect Liam to kick ass too...

The Thing

The follow-up to The Thing is going to be a prequel story that’s being directed by Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. Shooting on the film starts in the spring, and we guess we’re looking at a release date in 2011, unless it proves to be a very swift production and they try and sneak it out before the end of the year.

Transformers 3

You know the drill. Michael Bay. Big robots. Shia LaBeouf. Megan Fox. Lots of cash. Summer 2011. Ker-ching.

Trick ‘R Treat 2

Trick ‘R Treat is slowly turning into something of a video hit, with it generating really impressive word of mouth from those who managed to find it, in spite of it being buried in the DVD release schedules. Writer-director Michael Dougherty is working on ideas for a welcome sequel, although the green light remains in the hands of the bean counters. Might be worth picking up a copy of the original if you haven’t already…

Twilight: Breaking Dawn

It’s unconfirmed as of yet whether the final Twilight book is going to be cut into two films or if it’ll stay as one, but the cast and crew will be heading off to Vancouver by the end of the year to film the last novel in the series. Summit Entertainment is likely to go with a two-film approach if it can work everyone’s deal, and the first part should be ready for Christmas 2011 at the latest.

Twister 2

A tentative one, this, based on an idea that Bill Paxton has been pushing. Twister was a perfectly functional one-off effects fest, most notorious for its flying cow. Now, with the advent of 3D technology (and, more importantly, the amount of money Avatar is bringing in from 3D screenings), there could well be fresh appetite for a Twister follow-up. The new film would be based on the Tri-State tornado of 1925. Producer Kathleen Kennedy is believed to be mulling over the idea.

Underworld 4

This one’s even got a firm release date: 21st January 2011 (although, of course, release dates can and do change). The fourth Underworld adventure is rumoured to bring Kate Beckinsale back to the series, with Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy also in line to return. No word yet on who’s going to be directing, though.

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas

John Cho and Kal Penn are both back on board for a third Harold & Kumar adventure. The film is currently in production, ahead of its release on 5th November this year.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2

Robert Zemeckis has added a follow up to his mid-80s mix of animation and live action to his slate. Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2 won’t be his next film, though, as he’s opted to press ahead with his Yellow Submarine remake instead. However, he’s still keen to do a Rabbit 2 using the same kind of performance capture technology that’s sat at the heart of his last three films (most recently A Christmas Carol). Christopher Lloyd told us that he’s keen to return, but the earliest we’ll get this one is 2013, we’d imagine.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2

A far more promising proposition than the original deathly serious origins film we got, Wolverine 2 will, hopefully, allow the title character to actually have a bit more fun. That said, he’s heading off to Japan to train with a Samurai warrior, based on one of the most popular comic book storylines for the character. The film is currently being written by Christopher McQuarrie (who has done uncredited script work on earlier X-Men films), and Hugh Jackman will be returning too. Don’t expect director Gavin Hood to be behind the camera again, though. The film is out in 2012.

XXx: The Return Of Xander Cage

Vin Diesel skipped the last xXxfilm, the fairly poor State Of The Union, but as his career continues to falter, he’s reportedly keen to return to the role of Xander Cage in a third movie. Director Rob Cohen won’t be back this time, though, with the director’s chair instead being handed to Ericson Core, who previously helmed The Prodigy and Invincible. Production is planned for this year, ahead of a 2011 release.

Zombieland 2

One of the cinematic treats of 2009 was the marvellous horror comedy Zombieland, which ached for a sequel. Sony stuttered for a while, citing movie piracy as the reason for its reticence, but it’s now greenlit a fresh Zombieland adventure. Ruben Fleischer will return to direct, writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese are back on-board with scripting duties, and both Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson are expected to reprise their roles. No word yet on when it’ll go before the cameras, though…

Zoolander 2

He’s taking his time about it, but Ben Stiller is still keen to give another big screen outing to Derek Zoolander. Last we heard was that he was working his way through a few potential scripts for the project, although his slate seems pretty full right now. We could be waiting another few years yet…

2 Days In New York

Julie Delpy is helming a sequel to her indie flick 2 Days In Paris, which came out in 2007. Described as an "atypical sequel", she's finished the script for the project, and shooting is set to begin in October for release next year.

Bloodrayne: The Third Reich

Dr Uwe Boll continues to bomb his way through films like a human force of nature, and he's currently in pre-production on the third Bloodrayne move. It's kind of him to cater to the half dozen people who enjoyed the first two. Filming is underway any minute, and Natassia Malthe returns as Rayne. Expect it in your video store in the next year or so.

Enchanted 2

The original Enchanted was a bit of a treat, and arguably paved the way for the return of hand-drawn animation to Disney that we've now seen with The Princess And The Frog (although the films were in production at the same time). It was also a sizeable success, giving Amy Adams a star-making role in the process. And as such, Disney is looking to bring the original stars back for a follow-up, and has hired Jessie Nelson (scribe of Because I Said So) to write a script. Anne Fletcher is down to direct this time (having scored big for Disney with The Proposal last year).

Five Brothers

Mark Wahlberg has apparently come up with the plan for this follow-up to Four Brothers, in conjunction with original screenplay writers David Elliot and Paul Lovett. John Singleton directed the first film, although his involvement has yet to be confirmed. Lorenzo Di Bonaventura will be on producing duties.


We missed this off, to our shame, first time around. Sylvester Stallone, once he's done and dusted with The Expendables, is gearing up to make a fifth Rambo movie. After toying with supernatural elements for the plotline, he seems to have settled on a tale of drug lords and human trafficking instead. Expect lots of violence, and expect it to potentially move into production by the end of the year.

Taxi Driver 2

It's a story that's set our bullshit radar blaring, and the idea that Lars Von Trier and Martin Scorsese are teaming up on a Taxi Driver follow-up seems to have been nixed as soon as the story arose. However, what was interesting, and what may yet give life to the project, is what screenwriter told the New York Post. There, he revealed that Scorsese has been considering doing a follow-up film for some time, looking at an older Travis Bickle. Will it ever happen? Probably not, but perhaps there's a little bit more to the story than first throught. File this one as ‘maybe'.

Valentine's Day 2

Pretty Woman director Garry Marshall has enjoyed the best opening weekend of his movie career with his tepid ensemble romance movie Valentine's Day. And he's not done yet: not wishing to mess with the formula, the plan is now for a follow-up movie called New Year's Eve. The first draft is reportedly already in, and Julia Roberts will be hoping, you'd assume, for such a lucrative payday once more in exchange for so little work. Heck, we're hoping for that kind of gig ourselves...

Wanted 2

Writer Mark Millar has given an update on the status of the follow-up to Universal's 2008 hit, and he's revealed that the script to the film is just about done. Wanted 2 will pick up immediately after the first film, and the original cast - including Angelina Jolie - are being chased to return. He's revealed, too, that the film is set to start shooting soon, which means a summer 2011 release is likely, we'd wager.

White Chicks 2

The only film on this list that makes the prospect of Big Momma's House 3 look in the slightest bit palatable. The Wayans Brothers are working on a sequel to their piss-poor comedy White Chicks, with the details of the script right now being kept a secret. They can keep it that way for some time, if they like. Keenan Ivory Wayans is likely to direct. And to everyone who bought one of the tickets that brought the original White Chicks over $100m in box office change: this is your fault...
a few of them get me randy...

I'm ashamed to say I got most excited about Madagascar 3 :nervous:

As a side note- why do they keep giving Uwe Boll movies? Can't believe they're letting him make a Bloodrayne 2
I doubt that many of those will actually happen.
Bruce Vs Frankenstein, Evil Dead IV - Bruce Campbell baby, groovy.

My Name Is Bruce was brilliant if only for the lead womans rack.
