Magic Meat
28 Months Later
28 Weeks Later was a really surprisingly good sequel to a fun, knockaround original. Fox Searchlight is believed to be exploring a second sequel, hoping to lure Alex Garland back to work on a script. Nothing concrete has yet emerged, but it’s very much on the slate…
300 2
Zack Snyder revealed last year that Frank Miller was working on an idea to the huge hit 300, As Snyder told MTV, “There's something that happens in history between Leonidas dying at the Hot Gates and Platea. That's a year that's left out of the [original] movie. A lot happened." And that seems to be the focal point for the eventual sequel. It’s still in development right now, though.
Alien 5
This one is more going to be a prequel than sequel, and it’s currently held up in development to a degree. Ridley Scott is being linked with a return to the director’s chair too, although the noise on that more comes from 20th Century Fox than Scott himself. Carl Rinsch, a newcomer and commercials director, was down to direct (although that seems unlikely now), but news on the project has been limited over the past six months or so.
Fox will, no doubt, be keen to see how its Predator sequel does this summer before fully committing to a new Alien movie, though. Expect its fate to be resolved one way or the other at some point this year.
Anchorman 2
Will Ferrell’s movie career has had better days, with the number of disappointments now outnumbering the successes (Step Brothers was hit last big hit). He’s bang on the money, however, in choosing to revisit his finest cinematic creation to date, though, with Ron Burgundy’s further adventures pencilled in for 2012. Director Adam McKay is also returning.
Avatar 2
James Cameron is sitting on top of the world with Avatar right now, and he’s publicly declared that he’s looking into one or two sequels. He says that he held back on some story elements with the original film, and wouldn’t want to not make use of all the work that went into creating the world of Pandora again. He’s not committing to any time scales on the project, but if he’s using what’s already been set up technically, it should be a bit quicker this time round…
Big Momma’s House 3
Well, shit.
As we’ve said before at this site, maybe it would be best if Martin Lawrence just put on 250lb rather than having to don the fat suit every few years when his career continued to suffer. The third entry in the Big Momma’s House series will once again see Lawrence in the title role, and John Whitesell – who helmed the second film, and Deck The Halls, amongst others – is directing. The shoot starts in April, the film should be ready within a year. The fourth film should be greenlit, we'd wager, not long after that. Sigh.
The Blair Witch Project 3
The co-director of the original Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, has revealed that he’s developing a proper follow-up to his biggest hit along with Daniel Myrick. Their plan is to pretend that Blair Witch 2 – with which they weren’t involved – never happened, and have worked up a treatment for a story that would bring the original characters back. It’s now up to Lionsgate whether to pursue it or not…
Bloodsport 2
Appreciating that there’s already been a Bloodsport 2, Jean-Claude Van Damme is nonetheless keen to do a 'proper' follow-up to one of his original hits. It was the Muscles from Brussels’ first film, and he wasn’t involved in any of the three films that followed it. Off the back of JCVD, he’s reportedly working on attracting funding for the new film.
Bourne 4
A project that’s pretty much guaranteed to happen, but there’s a bit of politics going on at the moment. Director Paul Greengrass has quit the movie (he directed Supremacy and Ultimatum), and without him on board, Matt Damon has declared that he’s not interested in doing the film. Some suggest that Greengrass has been having disagreements with Universal, which should get ironed out allowing him back for a fourth Jason Bourne adventure. 2012 would be the likely date for it if it’s going ahead.
Bruce Vs Frankenstein
Effectively a sequel to his earlier starring vehicle, My Name Is Bruce, Bruce Vs Frankenstein’s basic story is laid out in its title. Bruce Campbell will, of course, be starring, and the shoot is set for the back end of the year. Expect a release in 2011.
Cars 2
Pixar looks to extend the merchandising power of what’s turned out to be its most profitable picture when all revenues are taken into account. As such Cars 2: World Grand Prix will be arriving in the summer of 2011, and will see Lightning McQueen and Mater travelling the way as they go about their racing duties. The latest concept art for it is here.
The Chronicles Of Riddick
We thought that Riddick had died a cinematic death with the last film, but we’re not averse to a third adventure for Vin Diesel’s character if it matches the quality of the original, Pitch Black. The project is reported to be in pre-production at the moment, with David Twohy believed to be interested in returning to the director’s chair (and taking on screenplay duties). 2012 is the mooted release date.
Cloverfield 2
A sequel that’s still on the slate, but all JJ Abrams has had to say about Cloverfield2 of late is that he and director Matt Reeves are working on something. A second film that’s very likely to happen, but we’d be loathed to put a timeframe on it. Mainly because we don’t know.
28 Weeks Later was a really surprisingly good sequel to a fun, knockaround original. Fox Searchlight is believed to be exploring a second sequel, hoping to lure Alex Garland back to work on a script. Nothing concrete has yet emerged, but it’s very much on the slate…
300 2
Zack Snyder revealed last year that Frank Miller was working on an idea to the huge hit 300, As Snyder told MTV, “There's something that happens in history between Leonidas dying at the Hot Gates and Platea. That's a year that's left out of the [original] movie. A lot happened." And that seems to be the focal point for the eventual sequel. It’s still in development right now, though.
Alien 5
This one is more going to be a prequel than sequel, and it’s currently held up in development to a degree. Ridley Scott is being linked with a return to the director’s chair too, although the noise on that more comes from 20th Century Fox than Scott himself. Carl Rinsch, a newcomer and commercials director, was down to direct (although that seems unlikely now), but news on the project has been limited over the past six months or so.
Fox will, no doubt, be keen to see how its Predator sequel does this summer before fully committing to a new Alien movie, though. Expect its fate to be resolved one way or the other at some point this year.
Anchorman 2
Will Ferrell’s movie career has had better days, with the number of disappointments now outnumbering the successes (Step Brothers was hit last big hit). He’s bang on the money, however, in choosing to revisit his finest cinematic creation to date, though, with Ron Burgundy’s further adventures pencilled in for 2012. Director Adam McKay is also returning.
Avatar 2
James Cameron is sitting on top of the world with Avatar right now, and he’s publicly declared that he’s looking into one or two sequels. He says that he held back on some story elements with the original film, and wouldn’t want to not make use of all the work that went into creating the world of Pandora again. He’s not committing to any time scales on the project, but if he’s using what’s already been set up technically, it should be a bit quicker this time round…
Big Momma’s House 3
Well, shit.
As we’ve said before at this site, maybe it would be best if Martin Lawrence just put on 250lb rather than having to don the fat suit every few years when his career continued to suffer. The third entry in the Big Momma’s House series will once again see Lawrence in the title role, and John Whitesell – who helmed the second film, and Deck The Halls, amongst others – is directing. The shoot starts in April, the film should be ready within a year. The fourth film should be greenlit, we'd wager, not long after that. Sigh.
The Blair Witch Project 3
The co-director of the original Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, has revealed that he’s developing a proper follow-up to his biggest hit along with Daniel Myrick. Their plan is to pretend that Blair Witch 2 – with which they weren’t involved – never happened, and have worked up a treatment for a story that would bring the original characters back. It’s now up to Lionsgate whether to pursue it or not…
Bloodsport 2
Appreciating that there’s already been a Bloodsport 2, Jean-Claude Van Damme is nonetheless keen to do a 'proper' follow-up to one of his original hits. It was the Muscles from Brussels’ first film, and he wasn’t involved in any of the three films that followed it. Off the back of JCVD, he’s reportedly working on attracting funding for the new film.
Bourne 4
A project that’s pretty much guaranteed to happen, but there’s a bit of politics going on at the moment. Director Paul Greengrass has quit the movie (he directed Supremacy and Ultimatum), and without him on board, Matt Damon has declared that he’s not interested in doing the film. Some suggest that Greengrass has been having disagreements with Universal, which should get ironed out allowing him back for a fourth Jason Bourne adventure. 2012 would be the likely date for it if it’s going ahead.
Bruce Vs Frankenstein
Effectively a sequel to his earlier starring vehicle, My Name Is Bruce, Bruce Vs Frankenstein’s basic story is laid out in its title. Bruce Campbell will, of course, be starring, and the shoot is set for the back end of the year. Expect a release in 2011.
Cars 2
Pixar looks to extend the merchandising power of what’s turned out to be its most profitable picture when all revenues are taken into account. As such Cars 2: World Grand Prix will be arriving in the summer of 2011, and will see Lightning McQueen and Mater travelling the way as they go about their racing duties. The latest concept art for it is here.
The Chronicles Of Riddick
We thought that Riddick had died a cinematic death with the last film, but we’re not averse to a third adventure for Vin Diesel’s character if it matches the quality of the original, Pitch Black. The project is reported to be in pre-production at the moment, with David Twohy believed to be interested in returning to the director’s chair (and taking on screenplay duties). 2012 is the mooted release date.
Cloverfield 2
A sequel that’s still on the slate, but all JJ Abrams has had to say about Cloverfield2 of late is that he and director Matt Reeves are working on something. A second film that’s very likely to happen, but we’d be loathed to put a timeframe on it. Mainly because we don’t know.