Sport relief


Likes Dags. but not as much as his Dad
Oct 11, 2006
Anyone watching this shizzle? I mean we all know it's about an entertaining night with some pictures of sad poor people thrown in here and there but I forgot it was on tonight.
No I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong I will contribute as best I can but I hate the programming, either corny shit or really depressing and not how I want to spend a Friday night.
Well seeing as I am working in the morning I have sod all else to do on Friday night.
29 million that is amazing. Havent watched it or given to it this year
Every year. It's either this or Comic Relief and then you've got that Children In Need, always asking us to dig deep and give, why the feck don't these celebs give a bit more instead of telling us to do it? It's tough economic times, I don't want to be made to feel guilty about spending all the money I have on myself.
Tried to watch it more than once. Every time it was boring as sin. Had to turn it over during that 'sketch' with Steve Redgrave in before I fell asleep. The next time it came on was Bishop (who I usually quite like) and Corden having a mind numbing conversation on stage with a few tedious jokes from Bishop thrown in about overdone topics such as France being full of French people :boring: