Spanish sport and doping - the net spreads


Aug 18, 2007
As long as it was just the cyclists everyone was a bit blase, now we're seeing the first arrests of athletes as well.

Marta Dominguez - World 3000m steeplechase champion - is probably the best known. She was arrested and released (on compassionate grounds, she's pregnant) yesterday.

Doctors, coaches and others being arrested now.

Spain Charges 13 in Anti-Doping Probe -
It'll be interesting to see if they'll bury this case as fast as the last one once the first signs of La Liga clubs involvement are there.
It'll be interesting to see if they'll bury this case as fast as the last one once the first signs of La Liga clubs involvement are there.

The question's been asked before about football - and not just in Spain. The testing regime is more low key than in other sports, and the clubs have resisted some of the more aggressive measures (English clubs as well as Spanish) and no one's been much bothered because the advantages/likelihood were always dismissed as negligible.

If this hits La Liga it'll make a horrible mess. If it gets used as a "warning" - with rumours, names mentioned in files, unproveable cases - and then buried because it's not enough to go to trial, I wouldn't be surprised.