So I guess we're all in agreement he is a fully fledged musical artist now?
no homo.
no homo.
Looks like you was wrong
And why is he rapping like that kid in a wheelchair off Malcolm in the middle
ive never heard him, i am proud to say i have sucessfully managed to block 99% of pop shit away from my life.
Shame you didn't manage to transfer those statistics over to change the fate of the multiple cocks you've had up your arse.
You must be losing your mind. It's a disgrace for anyone to consider him as a good musical artist.
Anyway with the amount of money he's made from his 'music' career I don't think he cares what we say.
It's supposed to sound sexual. Once you get over the fact he sounds like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle, it actually grows on you.
You're telling me you've listened to it enough times for it to grow on you?
So really you're not in a position to comment on the grow-ability of the song?
My Grandmother could probably freestyle better than that.
Pathetic excuse for an musician, never mind a rapper.
You'd be interested to know my favourite 2 musical acts are Bring Me The Horizon and Soulja Boy.
Ok.ok. Soulja boy is a better freestyler than lil Wayne. Discuss:
I thought you were winding us up with the latter..