"Sony are in trouble"

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★
Sony: "They're in trouble" - ngmoco News - Page 1 | Eurogamer.net

"In the hardware world, I think Sony's massively out of position. I think they're in trouble. I think Microsoft's in much better shape," Neil Young, ngmoco founder, told IndustryGamers.

I've never heard of Ngmoco (but that's probably because I've been living under a rock for the past few years) until now so probably a nothing story.
Weaste will be here in a bit with some graphs proving you wrong.
Weaste is going to feck you six ways until Friday, at which point Rebecca Black will remind you what day it is.
Neil Young is a musician, and he's old, he's got no right dissing Sony. Probably doesn't even know what Metal Gear Solid is.....
Yeah Sony is dead. Industry experts reckon they will file for bankruptcy within the next week.

If we keeping saying it enough it could result in a fall in share prices and we have ourselves a nice self fulfilling prophecy on our hands.
They have an amazing logo though.

I'd say they have a foothole in phone OS.

We'll see, but I've been over that before. If they can get Windows 7 ARM onto tablets, and business starts to use them, then they have a good chance.

We just need Ngmoco to come out with an article about the Wii remote not being "just a gimmick" now, and they'd be my favourite reputable source!

It is a gimmick! Now we are flailing arms about and twatting people in the head with Kinect. We've been over this before, Wii opened up a totally different market. The same thing re-iterated....... not going to work. Your granny is quite happy with what she's got. The next thing Nintendo will come up with is something for grand fathers, where they reinvigorate their vitality sensor, but grandpa sticks his cock inside the controller.
We'll see, but I've been over that before. If they cadn get Windows 7 ARM onto tablets, and business starts to use them, then they have a good chance.

It is a gimmick! Now we are flailing arms about and twatting people in the head with Kinect. We've been over this before, Wii opened up a totally different market. The same thing re-iterated....... not going to work. Your granny is quite happy with what she's got. The next thing Nintendo will come up with is something for grand fathers, where they reinvigorate their vitality sensor, but grandpa sticks his cock inside the controller.

Wow, that was a 'WHOOSH' moment, and don try pretend otherwise you big spaz :lol: