Sons of Anarchy and Justified

Absolutely, half way through season 2 of SOA. Never seen justified. SAMCRO kicks arse and an interesting fact for all the Irish Caftards in or near Belfast. They're in town over the next few days filming for season 3.
Can't believe none of the northern Irish caftards aren't interested.
I couldn't really get into Sons of Anarchy, it sounds stupid but the fact that they can't say 'feck' in it and so instead they say 'shit' and 'asshole every 5 seconds just pissed me off.
I couldn't really get into Sons of Anarchy, it sounds stupid but the fact that they can't say 'feck' in it and so instead they say 'shit' and 'asshole every 5 seconds just pissed me off.

Never even noticed, I'm sure they've said feck plenty of times.
I like Justified, Olyphant is badass as hell. Sons of Anarchy is ok, but I've hardly seen it.
Both are great, but I trailed off of SoA towards the end of season 2, losing interest. Justified is my new fave. I wish they had had more eps for season 1 though, the finale left me wanting more.
Just finished the second series of sons of anarchy. Superb show. Just downloaded the music to. One thing though that got me. The guy who sings this

and this brilliant cover at the end of season one

is this guy.

Curtis Stiger and the Forest Rangers by the way, Download some of their stuff, it's bloody good.
The show was doing well there for a while using what seemed to be genuine Irish actors to play the Irish men. Then they introduce this character Jimmy O'Phelan and the actor has probably the worst Irish accent I have heard since Richard Gere in the Jackal. I have to fast forward through the scenes with him.
I highly recommend following Kurt Sutter (@sutterink) on Twitter if you use it. The man does not hold back his opinions and you get some nice insight into the show.
I'm watching this series on Netflix. Still not convinced yet after the first three episodes. It would have been better on Showtime or HBO. I don't think they're bad-ass enough for my liking. Peggy Bundy would still get it though.
So I'm in the middle of season two now and I'm hooked. There are many layers to the story now. I still think it would have been way better on HBO or Showtime but it's still good. It's a bit like the Sopranos with a biker gang... without the tits.
Just saw the first episode of Justified. Really liked it. Great to see Shane from The Shield in it.

What else has the lead actor worked in? I remember seeing him somewhere.