Songs that make you want to kill yourselves

Pretty much everything on Radio 1. And anything with autotune in it. Which coincidentally, is pretty much everything on Radio 1.

They play this in the changing rooms at my gym, it's so depressing.
oh and anything by Florence and the machine. God awful voice.


Some guys are posting songs that are actually suppose to make you feel emotional while others are just posting shit songs. Which one is it meant to be?

This is what I thought, it's very confusing. I'm gonna go with the latter and so here's a song that when I hear, I die inside, I generally die every time any of their songs post 2004 are played. The video has 181 million views, fecking hell.

I'd like to make it clear that I was just posting a very shit song. It doesn't make me emotional.
You better die young - Nomy

Nomy is excellent. This better be one of those "emotional song" posts and not a "shit song" post.

On topic, Lana Del Ray often bores me into wanting to stab myself.
Nomy is excellent. This better be one of those "emotional song" posts and not a "shit song" post.

On topic, Lana Del Ray often bores me into wanting to stab myself.

Nothing wrong with Video Games, anything else I've heard is shite.
I like Blue Jeans, but yeah I'm not a fan tbh.
Anything by Skrillex. I don't know if he has more than one song. If he doesn't then the one song song by Skrillex.
'Dancing Queen' by Abba is possibly the most irritating- makes me more likely to kill the idiot playing it than myself though.

Oh my dear sweet god what is this bollocks?

Anything with Jedward makes me dispair for humanity and wish I was dead.

Hip Hop makes me wish I was in 1960. Yeah we get it you have shit loads of money, no taste and no respect for people.
Songs that make you want to commit suicide?

Fairground attraction - Perfect