Songs that get adrenaline pumping.

Sally Cinnamon

Full Member
Jul 12, 2009
What songs make you feel 'pumped up', if you were a boxer what would your entrance music be?

This for me:

Sorry for being so unpredictable, but this gets the blood pumping. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and when I listen to this when jogging, I feel like I could run to the ends of the earth:

I fear that the entrance music would last longer than my boxing career... :D
Anyway, here it is:


The amount of nights I've been dancing around my bedroom to this song with a bottle of Blue Wkd in one hand and a hairbrush in the other. When I hear this song I just know it's on. It's Saturday night.
I always drive a little bit faster when I hear Angel of Death or Raining Blood by Slayer.

Cemetary Gates always gets the juices flowing.

The amount of nights I've been dancing around my bedroom to this song with a bottle of Blue Wkd in one hand and a hairbrush in the other. When I hear this song I just know it's on. It's Saturday night.

Has Viva hacked Brophs' account?

I would have one of these three to get the blood pumping, but I couldn't decide which one.

Black Sabbath - The Mob Rules
Blind Guardian - I'm Alive
Five Finger Death Punch - No One Gets Left Behind
Grand Magus - Iron Will
Pantera - Domination
Rammstein - Link 2 3 4
Sabaton - Ghost Division
Stone Sour - 30/30-150
Symphony X - Domination

How the feck has nobody mentioned this yet? I'm normally a pacifist weakling but if this comes on I have to be physically held down from attacking 20 stone bouncer types
When I played basketball I used to listen to soviet songs non-stop for 30 minutes before the game. I felt like Superman and I had no idea what they were saying.

Soviet Anthem
Farewell of Slavianka
The Guard Song

If adrenalyn doesn´t flow after listening to one of these songs nothing will.
Was thinking Debaser too when I made the thread, the way that album begins with Debaser and then Tame is fecking amazing.
If I was a boxer?

Probably one of;

Because they're all cheese, and I would need that to keep my spirits up when I inevitably get hospitalised.