Songs that cheer you up


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
A thread that's topical and fun! Well, one out of two ain't bad as a very fat rock star almost said once.

So what songs never fail to cheer you up when you're angry, sad and contemplating a rampage?

There are lots of clichéd ones such as:

but I'm not sure they really work for me. What say you?
Well I can't stop myself from airguitaring and foot tapping with these two so I'd say they cheer me up.

Can't leave this classic out either. I love recreating the dance to this...great perfomance of a great song...

Hearing a Cure song when not expecting it is surprisingly cheerful. Not any Cure song will do of course but you can imagine which ones.
P Diddys version of Every Breathe You Take. I know it's kind of a sombre song but whenever I hear about it, it always gives me the feeling of my deceased loved ones looking over me.

It's such a happy song that, if you listen carefully, Buddy Holly couldn't help fapping along to it in the recording studio.
It's a fact that you can't listen to this without being cheered up.

P.S It's not what you think it is.

P.S That is a great song rednev.
I don't know what I just listened to but I do know that you're not welcome in my thread VIM!
A bit sappy, but always puts a smile on my face. Apologies for video, could only find stuff put together by 12 year old girls. Says something about the song, maybe. Or me.

And this. My mam's ironing song. Happy memories.