Songs from early life-teens that....


New Member
Jul 11, 2009
Stop paying attention to this a while ago
that clearly stick out in your memory. I have two. The first one:

Havent got a clue why, fecking catchy as hell though.

The second one:

Took a holiday, this was the song of the holiday. Loved it.

Your turn...

One of my favourite songs.

fecking hated this song, but it was really popular with all the cnuts at my high school throughout year 8, or whenever it was.
Cemented Rap/Hip Hop as a permanent staple in my musical preferences.

Early 90s for the win.

"I'm as serious as cancer when I say that rhythm is a dancer"

I remember kids at my school wearing stuff backwards after this...
Wasn't a teenager when I liked these but they stick out from my childhood anyway.


"What's Eye and Maiden?

I was a special child.
I was barely still a teenager when this came out so it qualifies. An astounding critique of the state of the music industry in the late 1980's I think you'll agree.


Don't ask me why this is on, considering it came out before I was even in my teens, but for some reason it seems to fit in my head. I might have gotten an album, or something.

Things that make me feel old (im only 31ffs) - When someone says those TATu and Franz Ferdinand songs are nostalgic.

They feel about 3 or 4 years old. That is all!!!!
I loved this when it came out. I was 9 or 10 I suppose.

And over the next decade

I was obsessed with The The and The Smiths.
Apparently this came out twelve years ago, which is by far the most depressing thing I've read in a while.

I haven't listened to the Lighthouse Family for ages but when my son was really young that song would sent him to sleep almost instantly when all else failed.