someone please translate this hysterical video clip


Flash...ahhhaaa..etc etc
Aug 18, 2004
Coldplay is good? You are saying bullshits...U fuc
the original was posted yesterday, but I'd like to know the backstory.

it's either dutch or belgian
i think

this is the longer version of it, with the former host of "boemerang" describimng what happened, as well as the other clips you didn't get to see and another amusing voice

I think the show was taken off the air, but we need a dutch or belgian translator to tell the full story.
the original was posted yesterday, but I'd like to know the backstory.

it's either dutch or belgian
i think

this is the longer version of it, with the former host of "boemerang" describimng what happened, as well as the other clips you didn't get to see and another amusing voice

I think the show was taken off the air, but we need a dutch or belgian translator to tell the full story.

If you had replied on my thread I could easily have obtained the translation for you. ;)

Entire translation for this clip!!!!!! Its hilarious!! From Roderick with greetz: - Intro- 17 years ago Erik Hartman presented the successful talkshow ‘Boemerang’. A show that resulted some disturbance. - Talkshow - Marijke was 18 years old when a doctor irrevocably damaged her spinal cord, during a routine operation. (A name is called, but is unrecognizable, let’s call him Peter to keep it simple) Peter became the victim of an absent-minded assistant.

In short: This show is about medical failures. When the dude on the left starts talking about his throat problem the Host cant hold his laugh. In the end theres a dude in the crowd that has a same sort of throat malfunction but has a low voice.

The vocal cords of the guy with the funny voice where damaged during a simple operation so thats how he got that voice. And hes on that show to talk about it. The host of that show says he was trying to hold in his laugh but the more he tried the harder hes laughing. Than the guy in the audience with the funny voice starts saying its not ok that the guy is laughing and than hes totaly losing it. Eventually the pruducers of that network came in and fired him at once. Now he can never do tv buizness again.

Credit to the postes off big-boys.
You know you shouldn't laugh but its a kind of hysterical laughter that keeps bubbling...........

I think its fair to say that we've all probably experienced it but thankfully not on Live Tv............
Its funny how people will perpetuate bullshit.
Here are some posts i found on another forum in relation to this clip:
"It's from the show 'In de gloria' here in Belgium (the language is Dutch). It's a comedy show from a few years ago

Edit: The video stops too soon. After the interview, someone in the interview asks a question, but he happens to have the same problem and the guy can't stop laughing"
"Originally Posted by Insano
It's 10 times better if you understand what he is saying

'You had a normal life before that and then all of a sudden you wake up from narcose and then you realize that everything has changed.' -> what host says.
The first thing the guy says is : 'Disbelief is the appropriate word,' <snicker>
Host: 'I'm sorry, sorry'
goes on like that all the time, but it is funny when you hear them talking about sexuality.
'With sex it's not only the physical that matters but also the sweet words.' Imagine him saying sweet words to someone whilst they're having sex.
EDIT: Isn't the host Alain from Het Eiland?"