Somebody Promote Everyone...

Vanrouge said: this thread:

Puts many of the other RedCafe discussions to shame, right across the board. No-one's calling anyone a cumstain, a cockgobbler or any other name beginning with "c". A real discussion, with ideas and opinions backed up by things called facts! And no textspeak. Amazing.:eek:

To be fair, most of them are American and thus not worth the time of day.
The Hairdryer said:
Wrong forum cockbreath.

Fair enough, cabron, but my point remains, conchuda. :angel:

Actually, I'm in such a good mood, I say promote everyone everywhere. Let anarchy and muppetry reign.
The Hairdryer said:
To be fair, most of them are American and thus not worth the time of day.

We have to be careful not to associate ordinary Americans with the scumbuckets in the White House. With fairly little effort, I can think of some perfectly fine Americans.;)
well said van rouge.

its been a really good discussion and i have enjoyed it.

there are some good newbs in that thread:cool:
I read through the thread on the newbie forum and wasn't particularly impressed with the "insights," (not to be confused with the traditional Yank bashing by the unwashed masses) although the people pointing out the growth of "soccer" at the youth level are correct. Limited opportunities above the amateur ranks and the existence of other well-established and well-monied sports leagues divert much talent as the athletes move up throught the age groups and competetive levels.

One significant difference between US and European sport not addressed was the "franchise" model used here versus the "club" system used elsewhere. There isn't any concept of promotion or relegation entrenched in American sport--a rich guy buys the right to have his team in the top league--regardless of on-field performance.
The Wales bit was beyond the pale Jason. Apologise or be forever associated with that retard WelshRed. ;)
Wibble said:
The Wales bit was beyond the pale Jason. Apologise or be forever associated with that retard WelshRed. ;)
why dont you feck off back under your rock again then titwank face?*

* to quote the immortal Blunder in one of his calmer and more soothed moments of late.
Nearly as good as Weaste's banana comment.

Welsh Red is probably a good kid if a bit thick and prone to trying to impress the popular kids with silly behaviour.
Wibble said:
Nearly as good as Weaste's banana comment.

Welsh Red is probably a good kid if a bit thick and prone to trying to impress the popular kids with silly behaviour.
In retrospect perhaps a sign of future developments was his posting of Yoda shagging a sheep in the newbie forum. :nervous:
I must have missed that pearl.

Did he show everyone a picture of the sheep without wool and claim it as his girlfriend?
Wibble said:
I must have missed that pearl.

Did he show everyone a picture of the sheep without wool and claim it as his girlfriend?
No. He would never say those sorts of things. :nono:

He called it his "studmuffin lover boy".