So....AC: Brotherhood

I'm enjoying it. Shit tonnes to do.

It's a far cry from the first one, where it was basically 'Eavesdrop, kill someone, eavesdrop, kill someone'. Has come a long way.
I'm enjoying it. Shit tonnes to do.

It's a far cry from the first one, where it was basically 'Eavesdrop, kill someone, eavesdrop, kill someone'. Has come a long way.

Does it feel like it could have easily been AC2 DLC or does it warrant being it's own game?
I think it warrants being it's own game, there is a lot to do.
How are the graphics, Solius? Has the screen tearing been improved?
Just finished it, if you liked the others you should get this. A bit shorter than the others though.
I want this, but i need to spend less on video games so i'm torn. Although if i trade in Mafia 2, Enslaved, Borderlands, Dragon Age Origins and Siren Blood Curse it should cover it.
I want this, but i need to spend less on video games so i'm torn. Although if i trade in Mafia 2, Enslaved, Borderlands, Dragon Age Origins and Siren Blood Curse it should cover it.

You bought Siren Blood Curse? :lol:

Me too. Commiserations.
I think I paid £12. If I ever meet the assholes on Destructoid who talked it up as, just, like, the scariest game EVER, I am gonna tie a rope to their baby nuts and throw them off the Eiffel Tower.
The thing is i quite liked Forbidden Siren and it was genuinely freaky, but this was just a mess and frankly looked, and felt, like it was made for the last gen of consoles.
I do partake in quite a few side missions (I really enjoyed the crypts in AC2). I think I put around 30 hours into that one.
I draw the line at feathers, though. feck that noise. I did find a number of Glyphs, but I lost interest in those after a while.
All the flags in the first game, and all the feathers in the second. I thought something was going to happen storyline wise in the second one if you got them all, instead all you get is a scene where your mother thanks you and gives you a hug and a cape.
If you did you'd see my flag collecting feat is bordering on OCD, there's 100 in every town and 100 in the overworld region plus some templar ones. There's 480 flags in all, and you got nothing but an achievement for them.
Bit late (1 year to be exact) but I bought this on an ebay cheapo a week or so ago and it was well worth it, haven't played any of the others but really enjoying this.
I found that AC2 got boring after a while - missions felt very samey. Haven't tried Brotherhood, better than AC2?
I thought the story was a bit too short, by the time I finished it I still had loads of things to do but lacked the ambition to do everything. The second game was better in that aspect. Still an awesome game though.
Just completed the game two weeks ago. That mission
when you've to jump off a rooftop, lose your wanted notoriety and take the adam's apple
is fecking tough.
I found that AC2 got boring after a while - missions felt very samey. Haven't tried Brotherhood, better than AC2?

Some challenging stalking missions, some cool ones related to Da Vinci's inventions, and a HELL of a Colosseum semi-finale ;)

Loved it.
I thought the soundtrack and general atmosphere in this game was great. Missions and gameplay were very similar to AC:II, which I thought was very good. This is one of the few games I completed to near 100% completion.

The first in this series was quite repetitive and boring after a while, but they changed a lot since AC:II
This is a great game. 2 was a superb game but Brotherhood just felt more refined and I loved it. I'm looking forward to the new one, though it'll have to wait a few months until the novelty of COD and Uncharted has worn off.