Worth it?
I'm enjoying it. Shit tonnes to do.
It's a far cry from the first one, where it was basically 'Eavesdrop, kill someone, eavesdrop, kill someone'. Has come a long way.
How are the graphics, Solius? Has the screen tearing been improved?
I want this, but i need to spend less on video games so i'm torn. Although if i trade in Mafia 2, Enslaved, Borderlands, Dragon Age Origins and Siren Blood Curse it should cover it.
I read that it is actually bigger than AC2?
I do partake in quite a few side missions (I really enjoyed the crypts in AC2). I think I put around 30 hours into that one.
I found that AC2 got boring after a while - missions felt very samey. Haven't tried Brotherhood, better than AC2?