Slipknot's Duality

I've actually seen Slipknot live. Not quite sure how that happened, but there you go.
:lol: of all the slipknot songs I expected you to like Lance, that was definitely not one of them.

I like Wait and Bleed. They've been good when I've seen them live.
I posted that one for two reasons:

1. It's pretty close to Duality in terms of sound/production, so I thought Kinky might like it.

2. I do quite like it. :(
I should point out, Biscuit, that I don't actually own any of their stuff.

This is my bag. No idea who the mutant in the video is.

Yeah. That's why I was surprised Psychosocial was your favourite track of there's. I'd have expected you to have liked something heavier and a little less poppy. Not that I'm saying Psychosocial is a bad track or anything.
This has 8 more replies than my Paul Simon thread, and that's without including this. I'm heartbroken.

Modern music ey?
I saw Slipknot live for the first time in 2000 and it was a fecking amazing set. The whole crowd went full on bat shit mental and they played faster and heavier than the album - fecking brilliant.

They've done some good stuff since then but live they've never hit the same heights, it became a bit too stage managed after that.