Slimmed down XB360 incoming?

they look exactly the same weaste, except one has a big wheel on it

This is a Jasper mobo, it's totally different. As for the fan, I doubt that will appear in that form factor in the retail units.

What on those photos makes you think its a 'slimmed' down version, and not just a redesign?
There is no picture of the back of the board (also a shame that whoever took those photos didn't take the heat spreader off), but look at it, it's much smaller, much neater, and it seems that both the CPU and the GPU are on the same module/package, though I doubt they are on the same die. This suggest it is now at 45nm, will need much less cooling, etc. It's exactly the same as when Cell went to 45nm - the slim appeared. MS have much more room for a change in form factor than Sony did, as the power supply is outside the box, and the HDD isn't internal.
bet that will heat up like a motherfecker, surely with the GPU and CPU in a similar location the amount of energy there will be high.
I think it was that cnut Greenberg who was talking the other week about different 'form factors' for the 360, so there could be some truth in it.