

New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Saw an advert for this just a minute ago.

effects look mint and I've always been a sucker for alien/dinosaur films.

Story will probably be bollocks but you can't deny the effects look good.

What you reckon?

The aliens look abit like the Geth from Mass Effect aswell....well the little one that takes the guy in the parking lot does atleast
Another film coming out about aliens which looks good is "Monsters".

I've just been on YouTube to check out the trailer for this and one of the comments is below . . .

horrible movie with horrible acting and story. Best part is, its not a sci-fi movie, its not a horror, it's not a even a monster movie. Its a love story and a bad one at that. 95% of the movie is these two predictable characters walking and getting to know each other. I liked Cloverfield a ton, and this doesn't even come close. Its actually offensive to see the trailers then the reality of what you are given. Total fraud, and even if they sold this as a love story, it still sucks

Must admit I've been conned in the past by films that put all (and I mean all) of the best bits in their trailer, but the film itself is shite! :(
I've just got back from seeing "Skyline" and I can safely say, without hyperbole, that it was probably the worst film I've ever seen :lol:

I was laughing out loud in the cinema, and so was almost everyone else there. You'd have been mistaken for thinking it was a comedy, such was the number of people cracking up at its sheer ridiculousness. Literally every major scene had at least one glaring plot-hole (and I know the meaning of the word literally). The acting was shit, the scripting was shit, the directing was shit, and the worst part of all is that the special effects were shit.

I was expecting something brainless, but I at least thought it was going to look good. A clichéd plot and shallow characters I could deal with for the eye candy of alien spaceships blowing the shit out of cities, but the story and acting were so bad that no amount of good-looking extra-terrestrial destruction could rescue it. That the special effects looked like they'd been knocked up in the bedroom of a failing media studies student only made matters worse.

But I can't recommend you skip this one. Like "The Room", it's actually worth watching purely because it is THAT bad. You'll laugh yourself through the entire ninety minutes.
Is this about Gran Turismo 5?
Its possibly the worse movie ever to get a wide release. Absolute fecking horrible. 0/10 and I'm being generous. These Strause brothers should never be allowed to direct another movie. Was suprised to see Turk(Scrubs) and Batista(Dexter) in this though.

Battle : LA on the other hand looks mint.
Its possibly the worse movie ever to get a wide release. Absolute fecking horrible. 0/10 and I'm being generous. These Strause brothers should never be allowed to direct another movie. Was suprised to see Turk(Scrubs) and Batista(Dexter) in this though.

Battle : LA on the other hand looks mint.

Skyline is part one of a two-movie arc. Run for the hills.
It was absolutely horrific. Easily the worst acting I've seen.

The second trailer drew me in the with Independence Day esque battle scenes and I figured those would be worth the price of admission - but then the battle scenes in the trailer are it. That's all of them from the movie.

The end was retarded - it was as if they ran out of money and decided to do the last third of the movie in slideshow format.
It was absolutely horrific. Easily the worst acting I've seen.

The second trailer drew me in the with Independence Day esque battle scenes and I figured those would be worth the price of admission - but then the battle scenes in the trailer are it. That's all of them from the movie.

The end was retarded - it was as if they ran out of money and decided to do the last third of the movie in slideshow format.

WTF was that honestly about? Can't believe that studio execs who get paid a shit load of money green-light garbage like this.
There were numerous reviews on IMDB outing the movie's action sequences, that the trailer contained all of them.

Battle LA is getting some similar talk about being too narrow in scope - that you never get to see any large scale battles - that all the potentially jaw-dropping stuff seems to keep happening 'outside' the periphery of the military unit that the audience follows as it tries to get to some important place.

Read the reviews. Spending cash and walking out of the theater not only un-entertained but disappointed in a professionally produced product (and maybe even a little bit in the human race) isn't good for anyone's soul.